- 海上保险专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 无短期利息 no short interest {= no s.i.}
- 名目保费 nominal premium
- 未送达;[船]失踪 non arrival
- 非载货船 non carrying vessel
- 非协会条款 non institute clause
- 劳依兹非海上保险人协会 Non Marine Underwriters Association {= NMA}
- 非海上 non marine {= n.m.}
- [美国]无执照之保险公司 non-admitted company
- 未履行保证 non-compliance with a warranty
- 无分摊条款 Non-Contribution Clause
- 未送达;未送交付 non-delivery {= n.d.; n/d}
- 未告知 non-disclosure
- 不付款风险 non-payment risk
- 船货不分开协议 non-separation agreement
- 船货不分开条款 non-separation clause
- 正常运送途径 normal course of transit
- 正常耗损 normal loss
- 北美洲保证条款;北美洲禁区保证 North American Warranty {= BNA Warranty}
- [保险人]不负责 not at risk; not on risk; no risk {= n.r.}
- 不得超过 not exceeding {= n/e; n.e.}
- 没有特别规定 not specially provided for {= n.s.p.f.}
- 无受益条款 not to insure clause
- 非修理中 not under repair {= NUR}
- 投保通知 noted
- 委付通知 notice of abandonment