附带损失 incidental losses非海上保险之附带危险 incidental non-marine {= i.n.m.}包括及除外损失 included and excluded losses包括 including {= inc.; incl.}不可抗辩 incontestability水湿致重量增加 increase of weight by water增值{货物或船舶} increased value {= i.v.; i/v} {cargo or hull}已发生损失 incurred losses补偿期间 indemnity period载运印度煤保证 Indian Coal Warranty无法避免的意外 inevitable accident无法避免的损失 inevitable loss[虫类]群袭 infestation固有性质 inherent nature暂收保险费 initial premium内陆运输保险 inland marine内陆运输保险局 Inland Marine Insurance Bureau内陆运轮保险人协会 Inland Marine Underwriters Association不可归责之过失 inscrutable fault无清偿能力 insolvency无清偿能力条款 insolvency clause检查条款 inspection clause协会罢工、暴动及民众骚扰条款 Inst. Strikes etc. Clause协会战争及罢工条款 Inst. War etc.安装设备流动保险单 installation floater 语际翻译 版权所有
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