宙斯答应了她的要求,欧洛拉就带泰索尼斯到奥林波斯山上她的金屋生活。 Zeus allowed this request, and Aurora took Tithonus up to Mount Olympus to live in her golden house.宙斯决定把她作为礼物送给世间的男子。于是信使赫耳墨斯将她带给普罗米修斯的弟弟厄庇墨透斯。她姿容绝美,见者无不为之倾心。厄庇墨透斯兴高采烈地把她迎入屋内。普罗米修斯警告过他不得接受宙斯的任何馈赠,而他已将之忘于脑后。这一对夫妻有过一段幸福的生活,但不久灾难却降临人间。 Zeus decided to send her down to men as a present.So Hermes them essenger brought her to Epimetheus,brother of Prometheus.The greatness of her beauty touched the hearts of all who looked upon her,and Epimetheus happily received her into his house.He had quite forgotten Pometheus' warning:never to accept anything from Zeus.The couple lived a happy life for some time.Then trouble came on to the human world.宙斯为伊娥感到很难过,可是在阿刚斯的看守下他还不敢把她变回原来的样子。不过他想起海尔墨斯在很小的时候就偷走阿波罗的牛群,他就叫这个小偷王、爱胡闹的海尔墨斯去把伊娥从阿刚斯那里偷走。 Zeus felt sorry for Io,still he did not dare to change herback into her natural form? while Argus was watching her. But remembering how Hermes,when he was less than a day old,had stolen away the cattle of Apollo,he now set this prince ofthieves, this mischie flowing Hermes ,to steal Io away from Argus.宙斯为此勃然大怒。惊恐的伊克西翁跑到天堂,苦苦哀求众神和众人之父宽恕他的不诚实。他的请求得到了准许,于是他兴高采烈地在这辉煌璀璨的神的殿堂里呆了一会儿。他那双好色的眼睛盯上了赫拉,她那光彩照人的美丽使他神魂颠倒。他忘记了家里的黛。他盘算着要让赫位与他一道私奔。看到这些,宙斯把一朵赫拉形状的云送到了伊克西翁跟前。这位不虔诚的国王和这朵云做爱,并使她生下了半人半马的怪物。怒不可遏的宙斯把伊克西翁打下了地狱,将他绑在一个不停旋转的火轮上,这急速旋转的火轮永远折磨、撕扯着他的躯体。 Zeus was furious over the terrible deed.The frightened Ixion went up to heaven and asked the father of gods and men torid him of his? dishonesty .His prayers were granted,and hestayed happily for a while in the glorious home of the gods,There his lecherous? eyes? fell on Hera,whose radiant beautyfascinated his heart.Forgetting Dia at home,he planned for Hera to elope with him.Seeing all this,Zeus sent a cloud in the form of Hera to Ixion.The impious? king? made love to the shade and made it the mother of the centaurs .The infuriated Zeuscast Ixion down to? Hades and had him bound to a wheel of fire,which,forever revolving,racked and tore his body in its unbroken swift revolutions.语际翻译 版权所有
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