?49 玛彭莎 49? Marpessa玛彭莎是国王伊万诺斯的独生女,她高贵优雅。从童年起,父亲就想将她培养成一位富有青春活力的英雄,不允许她产生一点爱情与婚姻的杂念。为了对付涌入宫殿的求婚男子,国王提出:哪位男人如想得到玛彭莎,必须在战车较量中战胜他。死亡将作为对失败者的惩罚。国王确信自己能够胜利,因为他的马来自阿瑞斯的马厩。许多年轻的王子就这样丧了命。 Marpessa was the only daughter of King Evenus.She was noble and graceful.From her childhood she was trained by her father like a young hero and was not allowed tohave any thought of love and marriage.To deal with the crowdof men who now rushed into his palace,the king proposed that aman have to beat him in a carriage race to win his daughter. Death would be the penalty for the loser . The king was sure of his victory,for his horses came from Ares' stables . Manyyoung princes lost their lives.墨杜萨曾是一位美丽少女。但是因她亵渎了雅典娜在利比尔的神殿,女神就把它的美发变成了蛇,她的身体也成了怪物的体态。她丑陋狰狞,任何人只要看到她的面孔就会立即变成石头。雅典娜和其他的神向柏修斯伸出了救援的手。雅典娜借给他闪亮的盾。她警告他只能看墨杜萨映在上面的像。哈得斯借给他隐身盔甲;海尔墨斯为他提供带翼鞋,穿上它就能快步如飞。从神那里还得到了剑和魔袋。 Medusa had been a beautiful maiden,but as she once violated Athena' s temple in Lybia? the goddess changed her beautifulhair into snakes and her body into that of a monster. So ugly and terrible was she that anyone looking on her face was immediatelyturned to stone. But Athena and other gods came to help Perseus. Athena lent him her brightly polished shield in which she warned him to look at the reflection of Medusa? only; Hades gave him his helmet which made its wearer invisible;and Hermesoffered him his winged shoes so that he could travel fast overlong distances. From the gods he also took a sword and a magic wallet.弥达斯是伊达山大女神和一位姓名不详的英雄的儿子。他是马其顿勃洛弥恩的好寻欢作乐的国王。他统治勃里癸亚人民,种植闻名遐迩的玫瑰花。 Midas,son of the Great Goddess of Ida,by a hero whosename is not remembered ,was a pleasureloving King of Macedonian Bromium,where he ruled over the Brigians and planted his famous rose gardens.语际翻译 版权所有
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