

14 伊? 俄    14? Io
?24 伊克西翁    ?24? Ixion
不久伊达斯和玛彭莎来到江边。伊达斯放下情人歇息以恢复精力。他们在附近一寺庙中过夜。早晨醒来,伊达斯发现阿波罗将玛彭莎偷走了。他追赶那长生不老的太阳神,准备与他的战斗,为爱情而献身。阿波罗握着百发百中的箭,而伊达斯手持短剑迎面而上。决斗即将开始。突然,他们周围响起了雷电声。原来是宙斯赶来制止这场不公平的决斗。宙斯让玛彭莎作出选择:要么长生不老,享受永久的荣耀;要么对爱情忠贞不渝,而过一种充满忧虑和悲伤的凡人的生活。由于怕神对爱情不忠,玛彭莎谢绝了阿波罗甜蜜的许诺。她选择了能同甘共苦的人作伴侣。阿波罗垂头丧气地走了。伊达斯则感到万分喜悦。    Idas and Marpessa presently arrived at a riverside,where ldas put down his beloved to enjoy a bit of rest and food and drink.They spent the night in a temple nearby.When morning came,Idas found that Marpessa had been stolen by Apollo.Heran after the immortal god—Apollo,feeling quite ready to fightand die for his love.Apollo held his unescapable arrows .Idaswent forward with his sword.The duel was about to start whensuddenly they heard a thunderbolt round about,and Zeus himself arrived to stop the unequal contest.He gave the maiden thechoice between immorality and eternal glory on one side and onthe other a mortal life of faithful love mixed with endless caresand griefs .Fearing infidelity on part of a god ,Mar pessa turned down the sweet promises of Apollo and chose for hercompanion in life one capable of a like fate.Apollo left in badspirits; Idas felt on top of the world .
海尔墨斯一生下来就被任命为奥林波斯山的贼神。他出生后几个小时的时候就做了贼。黄昏时分,他感到饥饿,于是还是婴孩的海尔墨斯离开了他的摇篮去找食物吃。他碰巧看见阿波罗的牛在草地里吃草,于是他偷走了许多牛,并将树枝绑在牛脚上,让脚印变得模糊不清。他杀了其中两头牛,美餐了一顿。然后悄然地回到他妈妈的房里,爬上床。当阿波罗发现牛少了,来质问他时,海尔墨斯佯作不知。愤怒不已的太阳神把他拖到奥林波斯山上,告他偷窃并责令将牛如数还给主人。为了平息这件事,小海尔墨斯将他用乌龟壳做的琴送给阿波罗。阿波罗得到这件礼物非常高兴,并送给他的小兄弟一支魔棍,这支魔棍可以化解敌对力量。    Immediately after he was born,Hermes was appointed godof thieves at Olympus.And a thief he became when he was barely a few hours old.Feeling hungry,the infant left his cradle after nightfall to hunt for food.He chanced uponApollo's oxen grazing on a meadow and drove a number ofthese animals away,tying tree branches around the feet of thecattle to make their footsteps dim.He killed two of these oxenand had a magnificent dinner.Then he slipped back into his littlebed in his mother's house.When Apollo came to question himHermes pretended to be innocent.The angry sungod draggedhim up to Olympus,where he was accused of the stealing andmade to return the cattle to their master.In reconciliation little Hermes gave Apollo the lyre he had made out of a tortoise shell,and Apollo was so pleased with the gift that he presented his little brother with a magic stick.The stick could pacify hostileforces.
到了一定的时候,海尔墨斯被指定为宙斯和众神的传令官。众神赐他一双带翅膀的草鞋和一顶带翅膀的帽子,让他可以行动神速。海尔墨斯成了宙斯和凡世之间传递消息的人。    In due time Hermes was appointed messenger of Zeus andthe gods.The gods equipped him with a pair of winged sandalsand winged cap to enable him to travel swifter than sight.It was Hermes who took the messages of Zeus to the world below.
在阿尔特弥斯那群迷人的追随者中,有一位名叫凯里斯特的美丽仙女。宙斯狂热地爱着她并常让她陪伴自己。没出一年凯里斯特给宙斯生了一个儿子,取名阿卡斯。这个儿子后来成了阿卡狄亚人的祖先。宙斯经常不在奥林波斯山,这引起了赫拉的怀疑。很快擅于报复的赫拉皇后发现了秘密,并制造了一项有效的报复计划。一天凯里斯特忽然间发现自己变成了一只大熊,长着恶魔般的嘴巴和充血的眼睛。但她还留着一颗人的心。她很快离开儿子去森林中藏身。    In the charming followers of Artemis there was a beautifulfairy maiden called Callis to.Zeus loved her passionately and often sought her company.Before the year was out she bore him a son,Arcas by name.He later became the ancestor of the Archadians.Zeus' frequent absences from Mt Olympus caused Hera's suspicions .In time the vengeful queen discovered the truth and drew up an effective plan of paying back.One day Callisto suddenly found herself changed into a bear,with monstrous jaws and bloodshot eyes .Still she remained human in heart.She immediately left her son and went into hidingin the forest.
她的美丽再次拯救了她。没有人能忍心将剑刺向令人销魂,妩媚动人的女子之身。在墨涅劳斯的帐篷中,海伦跪在斯巴达国王的脚下,乞求饶恕。看到眼前的情形,墨涅劳斯深受感动,他扶起海伦,让她忘掉过去的一切。墨涅劳斯将她抱起来时,海伦的两眼流出幸福与悲伤的泪水。他们俩像以前那样相爱,一同消失在遥远的西方。    In the meantime Menelaus was anxiously searching for Helen in the ruined palaces of Troy.Aphrodite had made Helenmore beautiful,so that,when he finally found her trembling in acorner,Menelaus was most unwilling to bring his sword downon her charming face.Menelaus felt secretly overjoyed to have his wife back again.Following Menelaus through the ruins of the city,Helen felt ashamed of her impure behaviour.And she was truly scared at the terrible fate she was to have in the Greek Camp.
以前有个叫伊克西翁的国王居住在色萨利。他既英俊潇洒又力大无穷。他向美丽的姑娘黛求婚。黛和他一见倾心,但是她的父亲却极不情愿离开他的孩子。最后只有当伊克西翁发誓让黛的父亲得到王室的金库时,这位父亲才答应把黛嫁给了国王。伊克西翁把黛领回家。但他却丝毫没有履行诺言的意思。很长时间过去了,老人没有得到半厘钱。于是老人迫不及待地去找伊克西翁,絮絮叨叨搅得他不得安宁。终于伊克西翁决定索性彻底除掉老头。他打开了金库,一把将老人推了进去,然后将他活活烧死。    In Thessaly there once lived a king by the name of Ixion.He was both handsome and mighty.He went to woo the beautiful maiden? Dia? and won her love,but her old father was most reluctant to part with his child.only when Ixionswore to let him have his royal treasure house did the father agree to give the king the hand of Dia in? marriage .Ixion took Dia home with him.But he was in no mood to keep his promise,for a long time passed and no treasure ever came to the old man.Impatient to have his promised wealth,the old father went to seeIxion and gave him no peace,until at last Ixion decided to get ridof him once and for? all .Opening the door of his treasurehouse,he pushed the old man in and there burnt him to death.
伊俄是河神的女儿,宙斯爱她、追求她、并得到了她。赫拉对此嫉妒不已。一天她飞下奥林波斯山向情敌施加报复。然而宙斯早已预见到她的光临,就将伊俄变成了一头美丽的小白牛犊,赫拉看穿了其中的诡计,非要一头牛犊作为礼物。宙斯无奈,只得让她如愿以偿。赫拉便将牛犊托付给百眼魔鬼阿刚斯看管。阿刚斯的眼睛永远睁着,要想逃脱是不可能的。看到伊俄如此忧郁,宙斯简直无法忍受,便令赫耳墨斯将魔鬼铲除。赫耳墨斯乔装成牧羊人给阿刚斯唱悦耳动听的歌,讲冗长乏味的故事以哄他入睡。之后便寻机杀死魔鬼,释放了伊俄。但赫拉的狂怒并未消除。她派了一只牛虻去攻击牛犊,使她颠沛流离。在十分悲痛之中,牛犊穿越了分隔欧亚大陆的海峡。从此这片狭长的水域被称作博斯普鲁斯海峡,意为牛犊之路。她接着漫游过海,这片大海也就在偶然中有了名称——伊奥尼亚海,最后她到了埃及,并恢复了她本来的体态和容貌。她在那里落户并生了个儿子。她的一些子孙就呆在了埃及,当了很长时间的国王。    Io was the daughter of a rivergod.She was loved,run after and won by Zeus.Hera became so greeneyed that she flew down from Olympus one day to pay her rival? back .Zeus,however,had foreseen her arrival and changed Io into abeautiful white little cow.Seeing through the trick,Hera asked for the cow as a present and Zeus had to give in to her? wish .Then she left the cow to the care of a hundredeyed monster,Argus.Argus' eyes were ever open and no escape was possible.Unable to bear to see her so unhappy,Zeus sent Hermes down todestroy the monster.Dressed up as a shepherd,Hermes lulled Argus to sleep with his sweet songs and long stories,then killed him and set Io free.But Hera's anger was not to be calmed downyet.She sent a gadfly to attack the cow and drive her from land to land.In her misery the cow passed over the strait which divides Europe and Asia.In this way the strip of water got itsname? Bosporus ,the way of the cow.She wandered over thesea,which by chance got from her its name the Ionian? Sea .In the end she arrived in Egypt where she was turned back into hernatural? form .She settled down and gave birth to a son,Some of her children remained in Egypt and ruled as kings for a longtime.
故事是这样发生的。每年春天底比斯城的妇女都要聚集在雷托的庙宇,向这位伟大母亲的祭坛奉献鲜花。她哺育了两位高贵的儿女,阿波罗和阿耳特弥斯。妇女们都对她异常地忠诚和尊敬。这使尼俄伯妒忌不已,颇感愤怒。这年春天,当雷托庙里的尼姑再次召集妇女们前往这位宙斯夫人所居住过的圣地时,尼俄伯决定永远终止这种愚蠢的行径。她披着那件柔软耀眼的长袍,走向人群,责备他们对女神的狂妄崇拜。她们还从未见过这位女神呢。尼俄伯声称她自己比雷托更高贵更伟大;她命令人们应当尊敬她,而不是雷托。她说雷托不过是两个孩子的穷母亲而已。惊恐的人们出于对王后忠诚,都默默地离开了。雷托被撂到了一边。    It happened at the time that every spring the Theban womengathered at the temple of Leto to offer flowers at the altars of the great mother.She had given birth to two grand children,Apollo and Artemis.Her women showed a great deal of loyaltyand respect to her.This made Niobe jealous and angry.Whenthe nuns of Leto called the women again to the sacred place ofthe mistress of Zeus one spring,Niobe decided to put an end to the foolish act forever.In her pretty flowing robe she came to the women and blamed the crowd for their mad faith in a goddess.They had never seen this goddess.Niobe declared herselfnobler and greater,and? demanded to be admired in place of Leto,who,she said,was no more than a poor mother of twochildren.The frightened women were loyal to the queen,and left the sacred place in silence.Leto was neglected.
“我来了,”薏姑说,也就跑出树后。    “I am come,” said Echo;and,as she spoke,she came outfrom among the trees.
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