

?25 奥利安    25 ?Orion
56 俄狄浦斯    56? Oedipus
俄狄浦斯在通往底比斯的路上没走多远就看见一辆马车朝他驶来。坐在马车上的人对挡道的年轻人怒不可遏,一边咒骂一边用鞭子抽打着年轻人的脸。俄狄浦斯一气之下跳上马车杀了那人。徒步跟着他们的主人的五个随从中只有一个侥幸逃生。俄狄浦斯根本没想到坐在马车里的人就是国王拉伊俄斯,他的父亲。这个年轻人很快到达了底比斯王国。就在这个时候,底比斯人正被一个长着女人头的名叫斯芬克斯的怪兽困扰着,她给他们出了一个谜语,没人能破解得了。如果谁能解开这个谜,谁就能登上皇帝的宝座并娶皇后为妻。俄狄浦斯在悬崖上遇到了斯芬克斯。对于这个怪兽出的谜:“什么动物在早晨用四条腿走路,在中午用两条腿走路,在晚上用三条腿走路?”他回答到:“是人,在婴幼儿时期他爬行,长大后他直立行走,老年时他柱着拐棍。”就这样,斯芬克斯跳下了悬崖。俄狄浦斯成了底比斯的国王以及王后——他母亲的丈夫。    Oedipus had not gone far on his way to The bes when he sawa cart coming towards him. The man sitting in the cart,angry at the young man in the way,whipped him on the face with anoath . Oedipus jumped onto the cart and killed him in his anger.of the five servants who followed their master on foot,only oneescaped narrowly. Little did Oedipus think that the man sitting in the cart was King Laicus,his father. Presently the young manar rived in the kingdom of The bes. Round about this time,the The bans were troubled by a woman headed monster,called Sphinx, who produced a riddle to them. The crown and the hand of the widow queen were offered to anyone who could solve the riddle. Oedipus met Sphinx on a cliff. To the monster' s riddle,“What animal walks on four legs in the morning,on two atnoon,and on three at night?”he offered the answer,“Man,Who creeps in infancy,walks upright in manhood,and supportshis steps with a staff in old age.” Thus, Sphinx threw herselfdown into the valley. Oedipus became king of Thebes and husband of the queen,his mother.
在所有的小海神中,纳鲁斯和普鲁吐斯异常独特。纳鲁斯是人们熟知的“海中的老人”。他代表了海水友善的一面。他和50个可爱的女儿一起生活在海中。她们当中最著名的有;安菲瑞垂托、塞提丝、盖拉蒂和潘诺珀。在勇敢地寻觅金苹果的时候,纳鲁斯建议赫格立斯寻找普罗米修斯。    Of all the small sea divinities Nereus and Proteus stood out as Peculiar sea-gods.Nereus,known as“the Old Man of the sea”,represented the pleasant aspect of ocean waters.He lived beneath the sea with his fifty lovely daughters,of whom the most famous were Amphritrite,Thetis,Galate a and Panope.It was Nereus who advised Heracles to seek Prometheus in the hero's search of the golden apples.
那张那西塞斯看到的面孔实际上就是他自己的面孔在水里的倒影,可是他不知道。那时还没有像我们现在明亮的镜子,一个人可以在比如说一面发光铜制盾状的东西上看到自己容貌的这种观念尚不很明确。那西塞斯就靠在水旁看着那像他妹妹美丽的面孔,猜疑到底她是谁?也不知道他是否能再见到他妹妹。    Of course the face Narcissus saw was really the reflection of his own face in the water,but he did not know that.In those days there were no clear mirrors like ours;and the idea of one's appearance that could be got from a polished brass shield,for instance,was a very dim one.So Narcissus leaned over the water and looked at the beautiful face so like his sister's,and wondered what it was and whether he should ever see his sister again.
在返回祖国的路上,他遇到一位老婆婆。她希望能有人帮她渡过山里的一条小溪。出于善良的天性和谦恭有礼的本能,杰森背起老人,淌过了小溪。他并未想到这位老婆婆竟是赫拉本人。因此他在生活的起点便得到了一位神通广大的朋友的帮助和保护。由于他在过河时遗失了一只鞋子,他不得不赤着一只脚走进了珀利阿斯的宫殿。当珀利阿斯看到这个陌生人时,他惊恐异常,因为一位预言家提醒他提防一个只穿了一只鞋的男人。当杰森告诉他自己是谁以及自己此行的目的时,他并没有感到奇怪。狡诈的珀利阿斯带着假惺惺的自豪和喜悦迎接了这位侄子。他发誓说,他愿意放弃王位,但接替他继承王位的人必须能够用事实证明自己确配接受王冠。于是,他怂恿年轻人去科尔切斯取回金羊毛。他断定他的侄子再不会活着回到他面前,因为这根本就是个不可能完成的使命。珀利阿斯的预言千真万确。杰森悲惨地死在科尔切斯王国。    On his way back to his native city he met a weak old woman waiting to be helped across a mountain stream.Kind and polite,Jason carried the old lady on his back and walked across the stream.Little had he thought that the old woman was just Hera herself .Thus he got the help and protection of a power fulfriend at the beginning of his life.As he lost one shoe in the stream he had to enter Pelias' palace in only one shoe. Pelias was quite scared to see such a stranger because he had been warned by a prophet to be careful of a man wearing only one shoe.He was not surprised when Jason told him who he was and what his business was about.The artful Pelias welcomed hisnephew with false pride and? joy ;he promised to give up the kingdom to one who had proved himself worthy of it.And heurged the youth to bring the golden fleece back from Colchis.He felt quite certain that his nephew would never come back alivefrom the hopeless task.Pelias' prediction was quite right.Jasondied a poor death in the kingdom of Colchis.
有一次,宙斯得了严重的头痛症。包括药神阿波罗在内的所有山神都试图对他实施一种有效的治疗,但结果都是徒劳的。众神与人类之父宙斯只好要求火神赫斐斯托斯打开他的头颅。火神那样做了。令奥林波斯山诸神惊讶的是:一位体态婀娜、披坚执锐的女神从裂开的头颅中走了出来,光彩照人,仪态万方。她就是智慧与知识女神雅典娜,也是雅典的守护神。    On one occasion Zeus suffered a bad headache.All the gods,including Apollo,the god of medicine? ,had trieduselessly to offer an effective treatment? .Then the father of gods and men asked Hephaestus to open his head.This the god of the fire did.To the wonder of all the Olympians,agoddess,well-grown and full-armed,came out of Zeus' head.The goddess was giving off light and splendor. She was Athena,goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens? .
地球上有个叫泰索尼斯的凡人,他很爱欧洛拉,所以天还没有亮时他就起床,以免错过看她的来临。欧洛拉也爱泰索尼斯,所以一天她去见众神之王要求赐给泰索尼斯一杯神祗的甘液让他能永远活着。    On the earth lived a man called Tithonus,who loved Aurora so well that he never failed to leave his bed while it was still dark,to watch for her coming.Aurora loved Tithonus too,and one day she flew to the king of the gods,and begged of him that Tithonus might be given a cup of magic liquid ,and so becomeliving forever.
离开特洛伊城的第10天,奥德修斯和他的随从来到了一个岛上。岛上的居民只以忘忧树的果实和花为食物。这种神奇的植物,魔力极大,谁只要吃了它,就会忘记往事,而陷入恍恍惚惚的昏睡状态。当奥德修斯的随从到达时,岛上居民友好地邀请他们吃这种甜美的食物。花果的魔力立即在他们身上起作用,使他们陷入了深沉的昏睡状态。他们失去了对未来的希望。海和船在他们看来无聊而可恶。他们也不再急于见到妻儿和王国。奥德修斯见不到随从返回的迹象,就顿生疑心。他和一些全副武装的随从出发了。他们要去查出事情的真相。不久,他就发现了那种食物神奇的魔力。他不许随从碰这种植物,并发出命令:把那些懒倦的伙伴拖回船上;并把他们捆在凳子上。直到他们睡够了,才解除了忘忧树有害的魔力。他们毫不犹豫地扬帆起程,离开因吃忘忧树上花果而昏睡的岛上居民向前驶去。    On the tenth day after leaving Troy,Odysseus and his men came to an island,where the people only took lotus fruit and flowers as their food.This plant had such a magic effect on its? eaters? that it could make them forget their past and produce a dreamy laziness over them.When Odysseus' men arrived,they were kindly invited by the people on the is land to eat the sweet food.Its magic power began to work on the mimmediately.They fell into a deep daydream.They lost all wishes for future,To them the sea and ship appeared dull and hateful.And they were not eager to see wife,child and kingdom.When he saw no trace of his? men? coming back,Odysseus became suspicious.He set out with some well armed men to find out the truth.It did not take him long to find out the magic effect of the food.Not allowing his followers to touch the plant,he ordered them to drag their lazy friends back to their ship.There he had them tied to the benches until they slept off the harmful effect of the? lotus .Without hesitation? they set sail,leaving the dreamy lotuseaters behind.
?52 特修斯    Once more her beauty saved her.No one could bring him self to thrust his sword into such a charming and graceful lady.In the tent of Menelaus she threw herself at the feet of the Spartanking,asking for forgiveness .Moved by the scene,Menelaushelped her up and let her forget the past.He held her in his armswhile she had tears of grief and happiness.The pair loved eachother like before and vanished in the far west.
一个皓月当空的夜晚,当阿尔特弥斯驾着马车穿越天空时,无意中看到一位漂亮青年正在下面静谧的山谷中睡觉。她芳心荡漾,对他充满爱慕之情。她从月亮马车中滑翔而下,匆忙而深情地偷吻了一下他的脸,甚至当熟睡中的恩底弥翁睁开双眼看到仙女时,也有点神魂颠倒。但眼前的一切很快消失,以致他误认为这是一场梦幻。每天夜间,阿尔特弥斯都从空中飘下偷吻熟睡中的牧羊人。然而女神偶尔一次的失职引起了主神宙斯的注意。众神与人类之父决定永远清除人间对女神的诱惑。他将恩底弥翁召到身边令他作出选择:任何形式的死亡;或者在永远的梦幻中青春永在。牧羊人选择了后者。他仍睡在拉塔莫斯山上。每晚月亮女神怀着悲哀的心情看望他,吻他。    One clear,bright night,as Artemis drove her carriageacross the heavens,her eyes chanced upon a beautiful? youth sleeping in the peaceful valley below.Her heart beat with love and admiration.She came down from her moon carriage and gave a quick but passionate kiss on his face.Even the sleepy End ymion was fascinated at the sight of the fair maiden as heopened his eyes.But the vision disappeared so soon that he regarded the whole scene as a dream.Every night Artemis floated down to steal a kiss from the lips of the sleeping shepherd untilher occasional carelessness of? duty? caused the suspicion of Zeus.The father of gods and men decided to remove the earthlytemptation to the goddess forever.He called for Endymion on to him and ordered him to choose between death in any form and everlasting youth in perpetual dreamy? sleep .The shepherdchose the latter,and he still slept on Mt Latmos,with the moon goddess sadly visiting and kissing him every night.
有一天,当她如此奉劝他之后,她坐上马车去奥林波斯山。非常凑巧,阿多尼斯的猎狗发现了一头野猪,使阿多尼斯热血沸腾,跃跃欲试。他一箭射中了这头野猪,但是野猪没死,掉过头向他冲击,长牙深深地扎进阿多尼斯的要害部位,将他抵死。当阿芙罗狄蒂回来之后,发现她的恋人尸骨已寒,她大哭起来。但无法将他从地府再拉回阳间,她便在阿多尼斯的血上洒上葡萄酒,将它变作秋牡丹,一种紫色的小花。    One day,after warning him thus,she left for Olympus inher carriage.Quite by chance Adonis' hunting dogs found aboar,which roused Adonis to enthusiasm.He hit the beast with an arrow,but the boar,turning on him,buried its white tusk deep into his tender side and trampled him to death.When Aphrodite came back to find her lover cold in death,she burst into a passion of tears .Unable to take him back from the lower world,she sprinkled wine on Adonls' blood? and turned it into anemone,a delicate purple flower.
一天,他坐在溪旁毫无心思看着流水想念他失去的妹妹时,他看到一张像她的面孔正在注视着他。那种情形就像她妹妹成了河神而且就在河里,可是她没有说话。    One day,as he sat on the ground by a spring,looking absently into the water and thinking of his lost sister,he saw a face like hers,looking up at him.It seemed as if his sister had become a water nymph? and were actually there in the spring,but she would not speak to him.
一天,狄俄尼索斯酒神和追随者从色雷斯出发去维奥蒂亚。狄俄尼索斯以前的老师森林之神老西勒诺斯不巧跟队伍走散了。他喝得醉醺醺的,躺在弥达斯的花园里酣然大睡。园丁发现了他,把他捆起来领去见弥达斯。他给弥达斯讲述有关大洋河彼岸的、与连成一片的欧罗巴、亚细亚或阿非利加完全脱离的一个大洲的奇妙的故事。大洲上座落着神奇的城市,居住着身材高大、幸福而长寿的人民,拥有值得赞颂的法律制度。西勒诺斯的故事使弥达斯听得欣喜若狂。他盛情款待老山神五天五夜,然后派向导护送他回到狄俄尼索斯的大本营。    One day,the old hero Silenus,Dionysus' former teacher,happened to straggle from the main body of the Dionysian army as it marched out of Thrace into Boeotia,and was found sleeping and drunken in the rose gardens.The gardeners tied him and ledhim before Midas,to whom he told wonderful tales of a big continent lying beyond the Ocean's stream ——altogether separatefrom the united mass of Europe,Asia,or Africa——where gigantic,happy,and longlived people lived in splendid cities,enjoying a wonderful law system.Midas,delighted with Silenus' fictions,entertained him for five days and nights,and then ordered a guide to lead him to Dionysus' headquarters.
奥利安是位身材高大的猎手。他是海神波塞冬漂亮的儿子。一天,他在森林中打猎,看到了阿尔特弥斯的仙女们——七颗明星。他如此爱慕她们的美丽,便追赶她们。困境中,美貌的仙女们向阿尔特弥斯求救。结果女神将她们都送入天空充当星座。后来奥利安爱上了另一少女墨洛珀。他鲁莽急躁地施暴于她。这激怒了少女的父亲俄诺皮耳国王。国王把他灌醉后,挖出了他的眼睛。随着“独眼巨人”大锤的敲响,他来到火神赫斐斯托斯跟前。火神派向导带他去太阳升起的东方。将眼球暴露于阳光后,他就恢复了视力,成了女神阿尔特弥斯永久的伴侣,并带着他的猎狗天狼跟随女神打猎。阿波罗并不赞成他们之间这种恋情。一天,阿波罗怂恿阿尔特弥斯向海中一移动的黑点射箭。她根本没想到自己是将箭瞄准奥利安。当看清黑点竟是在游泳的恋人奥利安的头时,阿尔特弥斯悲痛万分。因她无力使他起死回生,只好将他送入天空作一星座。他的猎狗天狼(即天狼星座)则蹲在他的身旁。    Orion was a giant hunter.He was the beautiful son of Poseidon.One day,when hunting in the forest,he caughtsight of Artemis' fair maidens,the seven? Pleiades .Hewas so attracted by their beauty that he started chasing them.Indespair the charming maidens prayed to Artemis for help and were sent up by the goddess to the heavens as a? constellation .Later he fell in love with another maiden,Merope by name,butrash and impatient,he took the maiden by force and enraged her father,King Oenopion of Chios.The king made him drunk and put out his? eyes .Following the sound of the Cyclopes' hammer,he went to Hephaestus,who sent a guide to travel with him to the east,where the sun rose.Exposing his eyeballs to the rays of the sun,he was restored to his eyesight.He became aconstant companion of Artemis and followed the goddess in the chase with his dog Sirius.Apollo did not approve of this love,however.One day he dared his sister to shoot at a dark spot moving in the sea.Little did she suspect that she was aiming herarrow at Orion,for the dark spot turned out to be the head of Orion swimming in the ocean.Artemis was extremely sad.As she could not pull him back from the grasp of? Death? she sent him up to the sky as a constellation,with his hunting dog? Sirius? be sidehim.
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