10 雅典娜的神像 10? Palladium19 皮格马利翁 19? Pygmalion2 潘多拉 2? Pandora4 普罗米修斯 4? Prometheus9 菲勒美拉 9? Philomela37 法厄同 ??37? Phaeton41 波塞冬(海神) ??41? Poseidon(Neptune)46 潘 ??46? Pan潘对女人有一种强烈的欲望。一次他爱上了一位迷人少女,西瑞克斯。然而令他失望的是,他的爱情没有得到回报。一天西瑞克斯恐惧地逃离潘,结果却使潘的爱情之火更为炽热。潘追逐着西瑞克斯,他几乎赶上了她。这时在西瑞克斯的请求下,大地之母把她变成了一丛芦苇。面对此变,潘放声恸哭。悲哀之中,潘采折了一丛芦苇,制成一支风笛。他吹得如此悦耳,就连阿波罗也无法比得上。 Pan had a strong desire for women.At one time he loved acharming maiden,Syrinx,but to his disappointment his love was not returned.One day Syrinx left Pan with a fearful step ,which lighted Pan's love all the more.He ran after her and was almost overtaking her when she was turned,at her own request,into a clump of reeds by Mother Earth .Pan wept bitterly at the change.Sadly he picked some pieces of the reeds and fashtoned apipe .He played so sweetly on it that Apollo was helpless before him.潘的父母是谁一直是一个有争议的问题。但是大多数希腊神话作者都认为他是海尔墨斯与可爱的仙子珀湟罗珀之子。潘是一头冷酷、浑身长满毛的乡间野兽,上半身为人,下半身为山羊。他和其它的森林之神及仙女在山林之间闲游,过着完全无拘无束的生活。潘被尊为山林和田园之神,具有预言的能力。他代表着自然和乡村生活,以前他被奉为一位善良、正直神圣的神。 Pan's Parentage was a problem Of Iong argument.BUtmost writers of Greek mythology agree that he was theson of Hermes by the lovely fairy maiden Penelope.Hewas a cold,hairy country monster, with the upper part of a manand the body and legs of a goat.Wandering about in the mountains and woods with other wood gods and cheerful fairy maidens. Pan led a perfectly carefree life.He was admired as the godof woods and pastures , with prophetic powers.He represented nature and country Iife.In old times he Was honoured as a godwho was good,just and holy.帕里斯是特洛伊国王皮安姆的儿子,由于他母亲在他出生时梦到自己正手持一根燃烧的断木,于是人们认为婴儿会给城市带来毁灭。为了挽救王朝,免受可能之灾,国王及王后把孩子扔到了爱达山上。但是,孩子幸运地逃离了死亡。在牧人们的精心抚养下,孩子长得既强壮又英俊。他偷偷地与奥诺妮,一位漂亮忠诚的山神结了婚。那一天,帕里斯正在山腰照看他的羊群,他惊奇地发现四个人正在他面前。海尔墨斯给他布置了任务后离去了。三位美丽的女神立即互相争吵起来,并且充分向牧童显示自己的美貌。赫拉许诺要使他成为亚洲国王;雅典娜愿意帮助他在战争中得到不朽的荣誉;而阿芙罗狄蒂则答应他得到世上最美丽女人的爱。男孩原始的本性被激发了出来,阿芙罗狄蒂得到了金苹果,而另两位女神则怒气冲冲地离去了,并成了特洛伊城最可怕的敌人。 Paris was son of Priam,king of Troy.As his mother dreamed at his birth that she was bearing a piece of burning wood,the babe was regarded as representing the destruction of the city itself.To save the kingdom from possible disaster,the parents had the helpless infant left on top of Mt Ida to die.However,he survived his ill fate .Brought up by the herdsmen,he became a strong,handsome lad.He was secretly united with Oenone,a fair and faithful mountain fairy maiden.On this particular day,as he was taking care of his sheep on the mountainside,the youth was surprised to see four human beings standing before him.Hermes told him about his mission and left.The three holy beauties then competed with each other,showing themselves up before the shepherd.Hera promised to make himking of Asia.Athena undertook to help him get imperishablefame in war;whereas Aphrodite offered to secure for him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world.The primitive instinct of the boy thus moved,Aphrodite won the prize,and theother two goddesses left in anger and became deadly enemies ofTroy.帕里斯是特洛伊国王皮安姆的儿子。他出生时,他的母亲赫尔犹巴王后梦到自己手握一根燃木;因此,人们认为帕里斯很可能会给城市带来毁灭。一个很偶然的机会,他被遗弃在爱达山上,在那经受了风吹、雨淋和日晒。后来,他被那里的牧民救了下来并抚养成人。这次,在阿芙罗狄蒂的授意下,他下山参加在特洛伊城举办的集会。在那里,他是如此的出众,国王皮安姆和王后赫尔犹巴兴高采烈地接纳了他,他重新成为王室家族的一员。 Paris was the son of Priam,the king of Troy.At his birth his mother Queen He cuba dreamed of holding a piece of burning wood.So he was regarded as likely to bring destruction on thecity,and was by chance exposed to the sun,wind and rain on MtIda. He was finally saved and brought up by the herdsmen there.Now acting on the instruction of Aphrodite,he went down them ountain to take part in the game held in Troy,and there so famous did he become that King Priam and Queen Hecuba receivedhim joyfully back into the royal palace.法厄同怀着喜悦的心情跳上战车出发了。很快他就迷失了方向。看到前后令人头晕目眩的高度和浩瀚的天空,他变得脸色苍白。战马狂奔了,简直无法驾驶。恐惧之下,他把缰绳松了。战车向地面猛栽下去。河流干涸了,作物枯萎凋谢了。从烧焦的土地上传来了人类受难的恸哭。暴跳如雷的宙斯很快找到了这场乱子的原因。他毫不犹豫地朝高傲自大、粗心大意的法厄同施放了雷电中最猛烈的一击。法厄同径直地掉入江中。父母为失去儿子而哀痛。法厄同的姐妹们也为他的夭折而悲伤。她们都变成了白杨树,而她们的泪水则变成了琥珀。 Phaeton joyfully jumped on the carriage and set off.Very soon he lost his way.he grew pale at the great height and the vast sky in front of him and behind.The horses ran wild.Unable to hold them,Phaeton dropped them in fear.Straight downto the earth the carriage dashed.Rivers were dried up.Cropshung down and withered .Men's cries of suffering rose up from the burnt earth.The enraged Zeus soon found the cause of the trouble,and without hesitation gave one of his most powerful thunderbolts at the proud and careless boy.Phaeton droppedstraight down into a river.Both parents were sad over the loss of their son.And his sisters,who were so unhappy with his untimely death,were changed into poplars and their tearsambers .法厄同是阿波罗与克里敏尼生的儿子。母亲给法厄同灌输了许多父亲可歌可泣的故事,以致于法厄同变得十分得意忘形。无论走到何处,他总是反复给人们讲述那些故事,最后大家都厌烦了。有一次一位伙伴要他显露一下从天而降的本领,他颇感棘手,就痛哭流涕地将这一不快之事回家告诉了母亲,母亲无能为力只好将他派到东方向父亲阿波罗求援。 Phaeton was the son of Apollo by Clymene.The mother had filled the lad's head with so many stories of his father's glory that the youth was quite proud.Wher ever he went he told those stories again and again until everybody was tired of him.On one occasion,when one of his playmates asked him to show his skill of coming down from sky,he felt quite hard to do it.He came back to his mother and told the unhappy event in tears.Unable to do anything for him,she sent her soneast wards to pray to Apollo for help.可怜的伊娥非常苦闷,她父亲海神和姐妹们都不知道她的遭遇;不过他们还是轻抚这只白母牛并且拿草给它吃。伊娥最后用蹄把名字写在沙滩上。她父亲和姐妹们才知道这只可爱的白母牛就是伊娥。 Poor Io was very unhappy.Her father, the rivergod,did not know her,neither did her sisternymphs;but they used topat the white heifer and give it grass from their hands. At last Iowrote her name with her hoof in the sands of the river bank,and then her father and sisters knew that the pretty white heifer was their own Io.波塞冬野心勃勃,而且好战。不满足于他所拥有的权力,他密谋把宙斯从他的宝座上赶下来。阴谋没有得逞,他被赶往人间服侍一位凡人。在阿波罗的帮助下,他替拉俄塞冬国王修筑了著名的特洛伊城墙。一次他和雅典娜就新城雅典起名之事争吵,最后被迫向智慧女神让步。另一次他因科林斯的国王之故与阿波罗激烈争吵,最后以胜利告终。 Poseidon was ambitious and aggressive .Unhappy with the part of power given to him,he planned to throw down Zeus from his high position.The plan did not come off,and he was senta way to serve a human being on earth. with the help of Apollo he built the famous walls of Troy for king Laomed on.On one occasion he argued with Athena over the naming of the new city Athens and was forced to give in to the goddess of wisdom.On another he entered into a bitter dispute with Apollo over the king of Corinth? and won the case in the end.波塞冬是喀琅娜斯与洛伊之子,宙斯之兄。与泰坦的战争结束之后,波塞冬成为伟大而威严的海之神,掌管环绕大陆的所有水域。人们认为他的权力仅次于宙斯。他用令人战栗的地动山摇来统治他的王国。他有呼风之术,并且能够掀起或是平息狂暴的大海。手持三叉戟,他坐在铜蹄金髦马驾的车里掠过海浪。尽管他在奥林波斯山有一席之地,但是大部分时间他都住在海洋深处他的灿烂夺目的金色宫殿里。 Poseidon was son of Kronus and Rhea,and brother ofZeus.After the war with the Titans,he became the mighty and majestic god of the sea,ruling all the water saround the earth.He was considered to have the greatest power next to Zeus .Poseidon ruled his kingdom with cold shaking.He could call up all the big winds and stir up or calm down the stormy oceans. with a trident in his hand ,he flew across the waves in a carriage drawn by horses with bronze hoofs and golden hairs.Although he had a seat on Olympus,he lived,most of the time,in his shining golden palace in the deeps of the oceans.波塞冬的爱情为他带来了奇怪的子女,他的妻子给他生下半人半鱼的子女。得墨特尔不喜欢波塞冬对她的注意,就变成一匹马,不知羞耻的波塞冬也变成一匹马,继续追求她。一匹骏马,名为阿瑞翁,是他们的爱情之果。这匹马能够说话,在希腊的所有马拉车大赛中必定独占鳌头。波塞冬还抢走了美丽的少女忒尔菲,把她掳到一个岛上,使她变成一只绵羊,他自己变成一只公羊。结果长有金色羊毛的公羊就出现了。 Poseidon's loves produced strange children.His wife bore him the children who were half man and half-fish in form.When Demeter did not like his attention and changed herself into ahorse,shameless Poseidon turned himself into a horse to continue his seeking.Out of their love a wonderful horse,Arion byname,was born.This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in Greece.Poseidon robbed The ophane,a beautiful maiden,and taking her to an island,changed her into a sheep and himself into a ram.As a result the golden-fleeced ram came into being.不久,那西塞斯来到一条小溪边饮水。当他跪在岸边时,他发现清澈的溪水中有一张非常可爱的面庞。他非常激动,并对着水中的人微笑,水中人也给了他一个微笑。他认为,一定是一位仙女爱上了他。于是,他就蹲下去吻她,她的嘴唇也向他靠拢。但是,当他的嘴唇一接触清澈的溪水,水中那张可爱的脸就消失了。这位恼怒的青年人此时变得绝望了,他从未被人如此鄙视过。他日夜呆在溪边,不吃不喝,不久就死了。他从未怀疑过水中的女子只是自己的影子罢了。众神非常怜悯他那优美的躯体,把他变成了一朵同名的花。 Presently Narcissus stopped to drink from a little stream.Kneeling down on the bank,he saw a lovely face in the clear water.His heart gave a beat.He smiled and was smiled back to.Thinking that it must be a maiden in love with him,he bent down to kiss her.And her lips also drew near his.But as soon a she touched the clear surface the lovely face disappeared.The angry youth was now desperate.Never had he been looked downupon like that before.Day and night,he stayed at the stream without drinking and eating.Before long he died,never suspecting that his maiden was just his own image in the stream.The gods took pity on the fair dead body and turned it into a flower bearing his name.普罗米修斯是泰坦巨人之一。在宙斯与巨人的战争中,他站在新的奥林波斯山神一边。他用粘土造出了第一个男人。雅典娜赋予了这个男人灵魂和神圣的生命。普罗米修斯还花费了很多时间和精力创造了火,并将之赠予人类。火使人成为万物之灵。在这之后,举行了第一次神与人的联席会议。这个会议将决定烧烤过的动物的哪一部分该分给神,哪一部分该给人类。普罗米修斯切开一头牛,把它分成两部分:他把肉放在皮下,将骨头放在肥肉下。因为他知道自私的宙斯爱吃肥肉。宙斯看穿了他的把戏。普罗米修斯偏袒人类,这使宙斯感到不快。因此,他专横地把火从人类手中夺走。然而,普罗米修斯设法窃走了天火,偷偷地把它带给人类。宙斯对他这种肆无忌惮的违抗行为大发雷霆。他令其他的山神把普罗米修斯用锁链缚在高加索山脉的一块岩石上。一只饥饿的老鹰天天来啄食他的肝脏,而他的肝脏又总是重新长出来。他的痛苦要持续三万年。而他坚定地面对苦难,从来不在宙斯面前丧失勇气。最后,海格立斯使普罗米修斯与宙斯恢复了他们的友谊,找到了金苹果,杀死了老鹰,因而解救了人类的老朋友。 Prometheus was a Titan .In the war between Zeus the giants he had stood on the side of the new Olympiangods.Out of the clay he made the first man,to whom Athena gave soul and holy breath.Prometheus spent a lot of time and energy in creating the gift of fire.And fire raised man above all animals .Later,there held a joint meeting of gods and men.The meeting was to decide what part of burnt animals should begiven to gods and what to men.Prometheus cut up an ox and divided it into two parts:under the skin he placed the fresh,and under the fat he put the bones,for he knew the selfish Zeus loved fat. Zeus saw through the trick and felt displeased at the Prometheus' favor towards men.So in a masterful way? he took away the gift of fire from mankind.However,Prometheus managed to steal fire from heaven and secretly brought it down tomen.Flying into an anger at? this unjustified act of rebellion,Zeus let the other gods chain Prometheus to a rock? on Mountain Caucasus,where a hungry eagle ever tore at his liver which ever grew again.His period of pain was to be thirty-thousand years.Prometheus faced his bitter fate firmly and never lost courage before Zeus.At last Heracles made Prometheus and Zeus restore to friend ship,when Heracles came over in search of the golden apple and killed the eagle and set the friend of mankind free.普鲁吐斯是波塞冬的牧羊人。他有两种非凡的能力:他能预言,他还能够变成不同的动物。有时他是一头狮子,有着波浪般的卷发。有时他是一头凶猛的野猪。而有时他又是一棵枝叶繁茂、外表威严的大树。经过这些变化之后,当他无法摆脱询问者时,神就替他作出详尽的回答。 Proteus was Poseidon's herdsman. He was well known for two qualities:the gift of prophecy and the power to take various forms.At one time he was a lion with a curly wavy hairs;at another he appeared in the shape of a wild boar;and still another he stood a stately tree covered with rich leaves.When,after all these and many other changes,he failed to get rid of his questioner, the god offered detailed answers.塞浦路斯的国王皮格马利翁是一位有名的雕塑家。他塑造了一位异常可爱的象牙少女雕像以致于爱上了它。每天他都给盖拉蒂穿上金、紫色相间的长袍。盖拉蒂是他给心上人所起的名字。他拥抱它、亲吻它,但是它始终是一尊雕像。绝望中,他来到阿芙罗狄蒂的神殿寻求帮助。他献上丰盛的祭祀品,并且深情地祷告,祈求这位女神赐给他一位如同盖拉蒂一样举止优雅的妻子。回家后,他径直来到雕像旁。就在他凝视它的时候,雕像开始有了变化。它的脸颊开始呈现出微弱的血色,它的眼睛释放出光芒,它的唇轻轻开启,现出甜蜜的微笑。盖拉蒂走向他的时候,皮格马利翁站在那儿,说不出话来。她单纯、温柔、充满活力!不久屋子里响起她银铃般悦耳的声音。他的雕塑成了他的妻子。 Pygmalion,King of Cyprus,was a famous sculptor.He made an ivory image of a woman so lovely that he fell in love with it.Every day he tried to make Galatea up in gold and? purple,for that was the name he had given to this mistress of his heart.He embraced and kissed it,but it remaineda statue.In despair he went to Aphrodite's? shrine for help.Offering rich sacrifice and sending up a passionate prayer,he begged the goddess to give him a wife as graceful as Galatea.Back home,he went straight up to the statue.Even as he gazedat it a change came over it.A faint colour appeared on its cheeks,a gleam shone from its? eyes and its lips opened into as weet smile.Pygmalion stood speechless when Ualatea began to move towards him.She was simple and sweet and alive!Soon the room was ringing with her sliver voice.The work of his own hands became his wife.语际翻译 版权所有
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