降息 reduction of interest rate重复建设 redundant project; duplication of similar projects农业税费改革 reform of rural taxes and administrative charges劳改农场 reforming farm; reform-through-labor farm不搞劳民伤财的“形象工程” refrain from building “vanity projects”that waste both money
and manpower不拿原则换人情 refrain from seeking personal favor at the expense of principle
难民营 refugee camp多退少补 refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any
deficciency拒载 refuse to take passengers老子天下第一 regard oneself as the No.1 authority in the world可再生资源 regenerative resources地区差异 regional disparity地区霸权主义 regional hegemonism地方保护主义 regional protectionism记名债券 registered bonds登记失业率 registered jobless rate康复工程 rehabilitation project反聘 rehire after retirement复关 rejoin the GATT (General Agreement on Tariff and Trade)科教兴国 rejuvenate our country through secience and education两岸关系 relations across the Taiwan Straits出笼 release a bad publication, plan, etc.放行单 release permit救济金 relief fund扶贫基金 relief subsidies 语际翻译 版权所有
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