- 中国日报热门词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 还俗 ""resume secular life, unfrock""
- 扭转局面 ""reverse the tide, turn the table""
- 雷达覆盖区 radar coverage
- 雷达跟踪 radar tracking
- 开放地区的辐射和带动作用 radiating and exemplary role of the open areas; spin-off effect and demonstration role of the open areas
- 辐射防护 radiation protection
- 放疗 radiation treatment
- 放射性污染 radioactive contamination
- 对奖活动 raffle
- 集资办学 raise money to set up new schools
- 出难题偏题 raise out-of-the-way and catchy questions
- 扩大中等收入者比重 Raise the proportion of the middle-income group
- 筹资 raised capital/proceeds
- 大卫教 ranch Davidian
- 跌幅 range of a price drop
- 快速反应部队 rapid response force
- 节育率 rate of contraception
- 开工率 rate of operation;rate of opening capacity
- 回头率 rate of second glance
- 存款准备金率 ratio of deposits, deposit-reserve ratio
- 存款准备金率 ratio of deposits, deposit-reserve ratio
- 锋利扣杀 razor-sharp smash
- 返回舱 re-entry module
- 达成共识 reach a consensus
- 房产估价师 real estate evaluator
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