- 中国日报热门词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 乱集资、乱摊派、乱收费 ""unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises ""
- 空头支票 1. unconvertible cheque; blank check 2. empty promise; unfulfilled promise
- 超级巨型油轮 ultra large crude carrier
- 超短波 ultrashort wave
- 联合国反腐败公约 UN Convention Against Corruption
- 联合国维和行动 UN peacekeeping operations
- 教育乱收费 unauthorized collection of fees by educational institutions
- 半拉子工程 uncompleted project
- 开后门 under-the-counter deals; offer advantages to one's friends or relatives by underhand means
- 见不得人的勾当 under-the-table deal
- 拉练 undergo field training by marching and camping
- 地下经济 underground economy
- 地下核试验 underground nuclear test
- 地下出版物 underground publications
- 承购包销 underwrite
- 包销人 underwriter
- 承销商 underwriter
- 联合国开发计划署 UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
- 联合国环境署 UNEP (United Nations Environment Program)
- 不正当竞争 unfair competition
- 不明飞行物 unidentified flying object (UFO)
- 会考 unified examination; general examination
- 农产品的统购派购 unified purchasing of farm produce by the state according to fixed quotes
- 单边主义 unilateralism
- 单方面撕毁协定 unilaterally tear up an agreement or a treaty
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