- 医学病症与手术术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 酒精性肝硬化 Perforation of tympanic membrane unspecified
- 施行不适当的手术 Performance of inappropriate operation
- 躯干结缔组织良性肿瘤 Periapical abscess with sinus
- 腰部结缔组织良性肿瘤 Periapical abscess without sinus
- 腕关节周围炎 Periarthritis of wrist
- 化妆品引起的变应性接触性皮炎 Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)
- 其他化学产品接触性变应性皮炎 Pericarditis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
- 植物接触性变应性皮炎 Pericarditis in other diseases classified elsewhere
- 食物接触皮肤引起的性变应性皮炎 Pericarditis in other infectious and parasitic diseases EC
- 慢性肛裂 Perichondritis of external ear
- α型地中海贫血 Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens
- 围生期的消化系统疾患 NOS Perinatal digestive system disorder unspecified
- 围生期血液疾患 NOS Perinatal haematological disorder unspecified
- 胎粪性腹膜炎[围生期肠穿孔] Perinatal intestinal perforation
- 分娩伴会阴裂伤 Perineal laceration during delivery unspecified
- 周期性呼吸 Periodic breathing
- 炎性肌病 Periodic paralysis
- 鼻皮内痣 (M87500/0) Periodontal disease unspecified
- 耳黑色素细胞痣 Periodontosis
- 镰状细胞疾患 Perioral dermatitis
- 分类于他处的其他传染病引起的骨病 Periostitis in other infectious diseases EC
- 淋巴上皮样淋巴瘤 (M97040/3) Periph & cutan T-cell lymphomas lymphoepithelioid lymphoma
- 其他和未特指的T细胞淋巴瘤 (M95900/3) Periph & cutan T-cell lymphomas oth & unsp T-cell lymphomas
- 周围的T细胞淋巴瘤 (M97050/3) Periph & cutan T-cell lymphomas peripheral T-cell lymphoma
- 蕈样真菌病[阿利贝尔特氏病] (M97000/3) Peripheral and cutaneous T-cell lymphomas mycosis fungoides