- 医学病症与手术术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 玻利维亚出血热 Machupo haemorrhagic fever
- 全叶性肺气肿 MacLeod's syndrome
- 巨头 Macrocephaly
- 巨唇 Macrocheilia
- 先天性巨舌症 Macroglossia
- 大环内脂类有害效应 Macrolides
- 巨眼 Macrophthalmos
- 巨口 Macrostomia
- 巨耳 Macrotia
- 镁缺乏 Magnesium deficiency
- 乳房皮肤黑色素细胞痣 (M87200/0) Major anomalies of jaw size
- 淋巴细胞稀少综合征 Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency
- 主要组织相容性复合体一级缺乏 Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency
- 大部份三体性 Major partial trisomy
- 多房囊肿 (M80001/1) Malabsorption due to intolerance not elsewhere classified
- 乏力 Malaise and fatigue
- 猴疟原虫疟疾 Malaria due to simian plasmodia
- 男性不育症 Male infertility
- 男性假两性畸形 Male pseudohermaphroditism not elsewhere classified
- 男性,伴有性染色体(同源)嵌合体的 Male with sex chromosome mosaicism
- 男性,伴有结构异常的性染色体的 Male with structurally abnormal sex chromosome
- 冠状动脉畸形 Malformation of coronary vessels
- 胎盘畸形 Malformation of placenta
- 脐尿管畸形 Malformation of urachus
- 西尔维于斯导水管[中脑导水管]畸形 Malformations of aqueduct of Sylvius
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