玻利维亚出血热 Machupo haemorrhagic fever全叶性肺气肿 MacLeod's syndrome巨头 Macrocephaly巨唇 Macrocheilia先天性巨舌症 Macroglossia大环内脂类有害效应 Macrolides巨眼 Macrophthalmos巨口 Macrostomia巨耳 Macrotia镁缺乏 Magnesium deficiency乳房皮肤黑色素细胞痣 (M87200/0) Major anomalies of jaw size淋巴细胞稀少综合征 Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency主要组织相容性复合体一级缺乏 Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency大部份三体性 Major partial trisomy多房囊肿 (M80001/1) Malabsorption due to intolerance not elsewhere classified乏力 Malaise and fatigue猴疟原虫疟疾 Malaria due to simian plasmodia男性不育症 Male infertility男性假两性畸形 Male pseudohermaphroditism not elsewhere classified男性,伴有性染色体(同源)嵌合体的 Male with sex chromosome mosaicism男性,伴有结构异常的性染色体的 Male with structurally abnormal sex chromosome冠状动脉畸形 Malformation of coronary vessels胎盘畸形 Malformation of placenta脐尿管畸形 Malformation of urachus西尔维于斯导水管[中脑导水管]畸形 Malformations of aqueduct of Sylvius语际翻译 版权所有
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