心动过速 Tachycardia unspecified心动过速 TACHYCARDIA UNSPECIFIED牛肉绦虫病 Taenia saginata taeniasis猪肉绦虫病 Taenia solium taeniasis绦虫病 NOS Taeniasis unspecified先天性仰趾外翻足 Talipes calcaneovalgus先天性仰趾内翻足 Talipes calcaneovarus先天性马蹄内翻足 Talipes equinovarus已感觉成为不良歧视和迫害的目标的问题 Target of perceived adverse discrimination and persecution足底神经损害 Tarsal tunnel syndrome间质细胞瘤 (M86500/1) TB disord intestine peritoneum and mesenteric glands胸腔内淋巴结结核病,未提及细菌学或组织学的证实 TB intrathoracic lymph node without bact or hist confirm胸腔内淋巴结结核病,经细菌学和组织学所证实 TB intrathoracic lymph nodes confirm bact histologically喉、器官和支气管结核病,未提及细菌学或组织学的证实 TB larynx trachea and bronchus without bact or hist confirm肺结核病,经显微镜下痰检查证实,伴有或不伴有痰培养 TB lung confirm sputum microscopy with or without culture肺结核病,未提及细菌学或组织学的证实 TB lung without mention of bact or histological confirm结核性胸膜炎,未提及细菌学或组织学的证实 TB pleurisy without mention of bact or histological confirm近期的膝关节软骨撕裂 Tear of articular cartilage of knee current近期的膝关节外侧半月板损伤 Tear of meniscus current近期的膝关节外侧半月板损伤 TEAR OF THE MINISCUSCURRENT.颈部结缔组织良性肿瘤 Teething syndromeⅡ型溶血性非球形红细胞性(遗传性)贫血 Telogen effluvium痣 NOS (M87200/0) Temporomandibular joint disorders慢性创伤后头痛 Tension-type headache产伤引起的脑膜撕裂 Tentorial tear due to birth injury语际翻译 版权所有
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