- 传统中医学词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 下气 ""1.a therapeutic mithod to keep the adverse qi flowing downward 2.aerofluxus, breaking wind 3.qu of the lower part of the body""
- 小产 ""abortion, miscarriage""
- 十四经穴 ""accupuncture points on the fourteen regular channels, acupoints on regular channels""
- 下工 ""an inferior medical worker, an inexperienced healer""
- 大夫 ""an official's title in the feudal age, now used for a doctor in northern China""
- 口疮 ""aphthae,canker sore""
- 人工牛黄 ""artificial ox gallstone, Calculus Bovis Factitius""
- 大气 ""atmosphere, air""
- 上气 1.abnormal rising of qi 2.the upper qi
- 下极 1.anus 2.perineum 3.area between inner canthi 4.another name for Hengku
- 一服药 a dose of medicine
- 寸 a length measurement corresponding to the middle segment of one's middle finger
- 小周天 a small circle of the evolutive
- 小儿腹痛 abdominal pain in children
- 上水鱼 abscess of the popliteal region
- 上腭痈 abscess on palate
- 小结胸 accumulation of phligm-heat in the chest
- 大肠痈 acute appendictis
- 马脾风 acute asthmatic attack in children
- 小儿风水 acute glomerular
- 小儿卒利 acute infantile diarrhea in children
- 叉喉风 acute laryngeal disorder with compressive feeling in the throat
- 子痈 acute or chronic orchitis and epedidymitis
- 下马痈 acute pyogenic infection of right
- 大方脉 adult's pulse
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