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传统中医学词汇    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


下气    ""1.a therapeutic mithod to keep the adverse qi flowing downward 2.aerofluxus, breaking wind 3.qu of the lower part of the body""
小产    ""abortion, miscarriage""
十四经穴    ""accupuncture points on the fourteen regular channels, acupoints on regular channels""
下工    ""an inferior medical worker, an inexperienced healer""
大夫    ""an official's title in the feudal age, now used for a doctor in northern China""
口疮    ""aphthae,canker sore""
人工牛黄    ""artificial ox gallstone, Calculus Bovis Factitius""
大气    ""atmosphere, air""
上气    1.abnormal rising of qi 2.the upper qi
下极    1.anus 2.perineum 3.area between inner canthi 4.another name for Hengku
一服药    a dose of medicine
寸    a length measurement corresponding to the middle segment of one's middle finger
小周天    a small circle of the evolutive
小儿腹痛    abdominal pain in children
上水鱼    abscess of the popliteal region
上腭痈    abscess on palate
小结胸    accumulation of phligm-heat in the chest
大肠痈    acute appendictis
马脾风    acute asthmatic attack in children
小儿风水    acute glomerular
小儿卒利    acute infantile diarrhea in children
叉喉风    acute laryngeal disorder with compressive feeling in the throat
子痈    acute or chronic orchitis and epedidymitis
下马痈    acute pyogenic infection of right
大方脉    adult's pulse
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