口眼{口呙}斜 ""1.facia hemiparalysis deviation of the eye and mouth, wry mouth
with distorted eyes""土方 ""folk recipe, local recipe""口臭 ""foul breath, halitosis""一阳 ""frist yang, Shaoyang Channel""一阴 ""frist yin, Jreyin Channel""久不受孕 fail to be impregnated for a long time小中风 faint大便 feces; stool;defecation小儿发热 fever in children十五络(脉) fifteen main collaterals十五络穴 fifteen main collaterals points一夫法 finger breadth measurement小眦漏 fistula in the lateral canthus口软 flaccidity of mouth in infants口中无味=口淡 flat feeling in mouth下腹胀气 flatulence in the lower abdomen大肠胀 flatulence of large intestine小肠胀 flatulence of the small intestine大肠津亏 fluid deficiency in the large intestine飞法 flying method下膊 forearm儿科四大要证 four chief diseases in pediatrics下横骨伤 fracture of public bone大便频数 frequency of bowel movement小便频数 frequency of micturition 语际翻译 版权所有
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