- 传统中医学词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 口眼{口呙}斜 ""1.facia hemiparalysis deviation of the eye and mouth, wry mouth with distorted eyes""
- 土方 ""folk recipe, local recipe""
- 口臭 ""foul breath, halitosis""
- 一阳 ""frist yang, Shaoyang Channel""
- 一阴 ""frist yin, Jreyin Channel""
- 久不受孕 fail to be impregnated for a long time
- 小中风 faint
- 大便 feces; stool;defecation
- 小儿发热 fever in children
- 十五络(脉) fifteen main collaterals
- 十五络穴 fifteen main collaterals points
- 一夫法 finger breadth measurement
- 小眦漏 fistula in the lateral canthus
- 口软 flaccidity of mouth in infants
- 口中无味=口淡 flat feeling in mouth
- 下腹胀气 flatulence in the lower abdomen
- 大肠胀 flatulence of large intestine
- 小肠胀 flatulence of the small intestine
- 大肠津亏 fluid deficiency in the large intestine
- 飞法 flying method
- 下膊 forearm
- 儿科四大要证 four chief diseases in pediatrics
- 下横骨伤 fracture of public bone
- 大便频数 frequency of bowel movement
- 小便频数 frequency of micturition
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