- 传统中医学词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 口丫疮 ""ulcer on the angle of lips,perleche""
- 上焦 ""upper-jiao,upper warmer,upper heater""
- 子悬 ""upward flow of fetusqi, feeling of distension in the thorax during pregnancy""
- 小便 ""urine, urination, micturition""
- 女阴溃疡 ulcerative vulvitis
- 人事不省=神昏 unconsciousness
- 一侧的 unilateral
- 大腹 upper abdomen
- 上膊 upper arm
- 上牙床 upper dental bed
- 上丹田 upper elixir field
- 上胞 upper eye lid
- 上窍 upper orifices
- 上膈下膈 upper stenosis and lower stenosis
- 上石疽 upper stony mass behind the ear
- 上焦证 upper warmer syndrome
- 二便失禁 urinary and fecal incontinence
- 下泉 urine
- 小溲 urine
- 子肠不收=子宫脱(垂)出 uterine prolapse
- 子宫痛 uterismus
- 女子胞 uterus
- 小舌头 uvula
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