八会穴 ""eight hui-points, eight influential points""小儿通睛 ""esotropia in children, convergent strabismus in children""土不制水 earth fails to control water土生金 earth generates metal土喜温燥 earth prefers warmth and dryness土生万物 earth produces myriads of things土克水 earth restricts water土乘水 earth subjugates water土 earth(in five elements)儿风 eclampsia子痫(冒) eclampsia gravidarum下注疮 eczema of shank子肿 edema during pregnancy八脉交会穴 eight confluence points八溪 eight joints八法 eight therapeutic methods十八反 eighteen incompatible medicaments干血劳 emaciation due to blood disorders小儿羸瘦 emaciation in children小儿里热 endopathic heat syndrowme in children小儿痢证 epilepsy in children口糜 erosion of mucous membrance of the oral carity小儿发痧 eruptive disease in children大产 eutocia上实下虚 excess in the upper and deficiency in the lower 语际翻译 版权所有
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