小儿遗溺(尿) ""1.incontinence of urine in children 2.bed-wetting, nocturnal
enuresis in children""小便不禁=小便失禁 ""incontinence of urine, aconuresis""小儿脚拳 1.infantile pedal spasm 2.spasm of toes in children子盗母气 illness of the child organ may involve the mother organ小儿涕液不收 incessant running nose in children刀伤 incised wound大便失禁 incontinence of feces下石疽 indurated mass of knee小儿食积 infantile indigestion with food retention丁奚疳 infantile malnutrition due to excessive feeding小儿推拿疗法 infantile massage小儿瘫痪 infantile paralysis小方脉 infantile pulse土栗 infection of the heel小儿淋证 infection of urinary system in children大头风=大头瘟 infection with swollen head大肠气 inguinal hernia十问 inquire about ten aspects of the patient下膈 intake of food in the morning and vomiting in the evening兀兀欲吐 intense nausea大方脉科 internal medicine子嗽=妊娠咳嗽 intractable cough during pregnancy大补元气 invigorating primodial qi 语际翻译 版权所有
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