- 传统中医学词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 口齿咽喉科 ""1.Department of the Mouth, Teath and Throat 2.specialty of mouth tooth-throat""
- 大溲(解) ""defecation, bowel movements""
- 下消 ""diabetes of the kindney type, diabetes incolving the lower-jiao""
- 干咳 ""dry cough, unproductive cough""
- 小便不利 ""dysuria, difficulty in micturition""
- 干拔罐 1.dry cupping 2.ordinary cupping
- 大眦漏=漏睛 dacryocystitis
- 大眦脓漏 dacryocystitis with pyorrhea
- 一日量 daily dose
- 土郁夺之 Dampness accumulated in the spleen(earth) should be removed
- 小便黄赤 dark urine
- 小溲热赤 dark urine with burning sensation
- 子死腹中=死胎不下 dead foetus in the uterus
- 卫气 defensive energy
- 卫 defensive function
- 上虚下实 deficiency in the upper and excess in the lower
- 大肠液亏 deficiency of fluid in large intestine
- 下陷=中气下陷 descending disorders
- 下行通路 descending pathway
- 上消 diabetes involving the upper-jiao
- 下利 diarrgea
- 下利清谷 diarrhea with undigested food in the stool
- 八片锦 different pictures of superficial venules of index finger in children as a reference for diagnosis
- 小便涩痛 difficulty and pain in micturition
- 二便不利 difficulty in urination and defecation
当前第1页 共3页