- 医院常见英语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 日间 院 ???????? Adult Day Care Center
- 住院室 ????????? Admissions
- 腹部超音波 Abdominal echo
- 脓肿 abscess
- 针灸科 Acupuncture and Moxibustion De-parment
- 秘书室 Administration Office
- 住/出/转院 Admission/Discharge/Transfer
- 小儿科-青少 门诊 Adolescent Health
- 过敏症 allergy
- 费 Ambulance Fee
- 妇产科-羊水穿 Amniocentesis
- 解剖病 科 Anatomical Pathology
- 解剖病 科实验室 Anatomical Pathology Laboratory
- 麻醉科 Anesthesia Department
- 麻醉科实验室 Anesthesiology Laboratory
- 麻醉科 Anesthesiology(Anesthesia) Dept.
- 麻醉费 Anesthetic Fee
- 抗生素 antibiotic
- 精神科-焦虑忧郁失眠门诊 Anxiety and Insomnia Clinic
- 阿司匹林 aspirin
- 哮喘 asthma
- 气喘卫教室 Asthma Health Education Room
- 闲人勿进 Authorized Personnel Only
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