- 传统中医学词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 七日风=脐风 neonatal tetanus
- 九脏 nine internal organs
- 九气 nine kinds of illness due to disturbance of qi
- 九窍 nine orifices
- 九刺 nine types of needling
- 十九畏 nineteen nedicaments of nutual antagonism
- 九六补泻法 nini-six reinforcing-reducing method
- 小儿夜啼 nocturnal fretfulness infinfants
- 小儿囟门不合 non-closure of fontanels in infants
- 口中和 normal sense of mouth
- 口不仁 numbness of mouth
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