三伏 ""1.three periods of dog days, 2.the third period of dog days""十二怪脉 ""ten moribund pulses, ten kinds of paradoxical pulse condition""三宝 ""three exxentialsessence, qi and configurative force""三法 ""three therapeutic methods-diaphoresis, emesis, and purgation""三棱针 ""three-deged needle, tri-ensiform needle""三焦 ""tri-jiao, sanjiao, triple warmer, triple heater""三板疗法 ""tri-tabular massage, massage with three Kinds of boards""二阴 ""two lower orifices, ie, the external urethral orifice and the anus""
丁字形骨折 T-shaped fracturre寸白虫病 taeniasis大便如漆 tarry stools口淡 tastelessness十剂 ten kinds of prescription下迫 tenesmus飞腾八法=灵龟八法 the eight magic turttle techniques八纲 the eight principal syndromes serving as guidelines in diagnosis八廓 the eight regions of the white of the eye十四经 the fourteen channels下焦主出 The Lower-jiao is in charge of excretory system小肠 the small intestine七恶 the symtoms and signs indicating poor prognosis of suppurative
infections of the exterior part of the body十三科 the thirteen medical specialties三关 the three passes三焦主决渎 the triple warmer manages the dredging of water pathway上损及下 the upper effecting the lower