口水 ""saliva,spittle""七怪脉 ""seven moribund pulses, seven paradoxical pulse conditions, seven
fatal pulse conditions""七方 ""seven prescriptions, Seven formulae""小肠咳 ""small intestine cough, cough accompanied by flatulence""小儿自汗 ""spontaneous perspiration in children, hyperhidrosis in children""
口吃 ""stutter,stammer""卫气同病 ""syndrome of both weifen and qufen,syndrome of both qi and wei
systems""七伤 1.seven kinds of impairments 2.seven symptoms suggesting consumption of
the kidney-qi上脘 1.shangwan 2.episgastrium马刀侠瘿 sabre and beadstring scuofulae口咸 salty taste卫生学 sanitary science三阳络 Sanyanglo小便短赤 scanty dark urine丁痂 scar十二经之海 sea of the twelve channels下骨 sending down the fishbone七情 seven emotions七冲门 seven important portals七疝 seven kinds of hernia七窍 seven orifices七星针=梅芬针 seven star needle上耳背 Shangerpei二阳并病 Shaoyang syndrome complicated by Taiyang syndrome上气喘促 shortness of breath