儿茶 ""catechu, blzck catechu, Catechu""小伤寒 ""common cold, common cold of wink-cold type""上下配穴 ""coordination of the acupionts of the upper with those of the lower,
superior-inferior point association""尸体 ""corpse,cadaver""寸、关、尺 ""cun,guan,and chi,inch,bar,and cubit""干癣 1.chronic eczema 2.neurodermatitis小腹疽(痈) carbuncle of lower abdomen大腿痈 carbuncle of thigh干疽 cellulitis at the anterolateral aspect of the shoulder上搭手 cellulitis near the scapular region子门 cervical orifice of uterus下疳 chancre小儿咳逆 choking cough in children久泻不止 chromic diarrhea久咳 chronic cough久泻 chronic diarrhea久疟 chronic malaria三毛(丛,聚) clump hair上寒下热 cold in the upper and heat in the lower三焦虚寒 cold syndromes of deficiency type大厥 coma小儿感冒 common cold in children小儿遗毒烂斑 congenital syphilis大便不通 constipation大肠寒结 constipation due to retention of cold-pathogen in large intestine