三阳合病 disease involving all three yang channels大肠病 disease of large intestine三阳病 disease of the three yang channels三焦病 disease of tri-jiao三阴病 diseases of the three yin channels子病及母 disorder of the child organ affecting the mother organ小肠病 disorder of the small intestine下胎毒法 dispelling toxic heat and meconium gathered at the fetus for the new
born小腹满 distension of lower addomen大分 distinct line between large muscles下厥上冒 dizzeness caused by adverse flow of qi上翘下钩势 dorso-extension and ventro-flexion exercise下焦湿热 downward flow of damp and heat干霍乱 dr cholera大泻刺 drainage needling小便淋沥 dribbling urination干皮 dried bark小便淋沥 dripping discharge of urine刀创伤 drug for incised wound干脚气 dry beriberi干胁痛 dry hypochondriac pain口干唇燥 dry mouth and lips口干唇裂 dry mouth with cracked lips干便 dry stool大便干结 dry stool 语际翻译 版权所有
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