龋齿 Dacryoadenitis流产、异位妊娠和葡萄胎妊娠后的盆腔器官和组织损伤 Damage pelv org and tis follow abort and ectop / molar preg分类于他处的其他疾患引起的肝疾患 Deaf mutism not elsewhere classified由于直接产科原因后遗症的死亡 Death from sequelae of direct obstetric causes任何产科原因的死亡,发生于分娩后42天以上至一年以内 Death obst cse occur more 42 day less than one yr aft deliv无疾病体征的死亡 Death occ less than 24 hr frm onset sympt not otherw exp后天性溶血性贫血 Decubitus ulcer产前的妊娠期深静脉血栓形成 Deep phlebothrombosis in pregnancy产褥期深静脉血栓形成 Deep phlebothrombosis in the puerperium其他糖蛋白代谢紊乱 Defects in glycoprotein degradation糖蛋白递降分解缺陷 Defects in post-translational modif'n of lysosomal enzymes补体系统中的缺乏 Defects in the complement system吉耳伯特氏病Gilber综合症[良性非结合性胆红素血症] Defects of catalase and peroxidase多种营养元素缺乏 Deficiency of multiple nutrient elements营养元素缺乏 NOS Deficiency of nutrient element unspecified其他特指的B族维生素缺乏 Deficiency of other specified B group vitamins碘缺乏 Deficiency of other specified nutrient elements其他维生素缺乏 Deficiency of other vitamins维生素E缺乏,未特指 Deficiency of vitamin E维生素K缺乏,未特指 Deficiency of vitamin K变形性背部病 NOS Deforming dorsopathy unspecified手指变形 Deformity of finger(s)牙髓坏死 Deformity of orbit阑尾组织增生 Degenerated conditions of globe口腔粘膜刺激性增生 Degeneration of iris and ciliary body语际翻译 版权所有
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