其他手术和医疗中无菌预防措施失败 During other surgical and medical care进行灌肠中遗留体内的异物 During removal of catheter or packing外科手术中意外切割、针刺、穿孔或出血 During surgical operation医疗操作中遗留体内的异物 During surgical operation外科手术中无菌预防措施失败 During surgical operation手术和医疗中意外切割、针刺、穿孔或出血 NOS During unspecified surgical and medical care未特指的手术和医疗操作中遗留体内异物 During unspecified surgical and medical care医疗操作中无菌预防措施失败 During unspecified surgical and medical care构音障碍和言语讷吃 Dysarthria and anarthria臀部结缔组织交界恶性肿瘤 Dyshidrosis [pompholyx]激素障碍性甲状腺肿 Dyshormogenetic goitre子宫肌瘤 Dyskinesia of oesophagus共济失调性大脑性[瘫痪]麻痹 Dyskinetic cerebral palsy诵读困难和失读[症] Dyslexia and alexia痛经 Dysmenorrhoea unspecified苄丙酮香豆素[华法令]引起的畸形 Dysmorphism due to warfarin性交疼痛 Dyspareunia虹膜良性肿瘤 Dyspepsia咽下困难 Dysphagia失语 Dysphasia and aphasia发音困难 Dysphonia子宫发育不良,未特指 Dysplasia of cervix uteri unspecified阴道发育不全 NOS Dysplasia of vagina unspecified外阴发育不良,未特指 Dysplasia of vulva unspecified呼吸困难 Dyspnoea语际翻译 版权所有
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