狂犬病[恐水症] NOS Rabies unspecified桡骨茎突腱鞘炎[德奎尔万病] Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de Quervain]松果体良性肿瘤 Radiation proctitis肌肉良性肿瘤 Radicular cyst神经根病 Radiculopathy大细胞性贫血 Radiodermatitis unspecified胸部X线常规检查 Radiological examination not elsewhere classified放射操作(治疗)的异常反应 Radiological procedure and radiotherapy恶性肿瘤术后放疗 Radiotherapy session抗体滴度增高 Raised antibody titre急进型肾炎综合症,其他 Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome other急进型肾炎综合症,未特指 Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome unspecified皮疹和其他非特异性皮肤疹 Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption鼠咬热 NOS Rat-bite fever unspecified无汗 Raynaud's syndrome丘疹鳞屑性疾患,未特指 Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia分离性遗忘 Reaction to severe stress unspecified胎儿和新生儿用药引起的反应和中毒 Reactions and intoxications due drug admin fet and newborn血浆凝血酶成份[PTC]缺乏 Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere遗传性因子Ⅸ缺乏 REACTIVE ARTHROPATHY IN OTHER DISEASES CLASSIFIED ELSEWHERE典型的血友病 Reactive arthropathy unspecified遗传性因子Ⅷ缺乏(伴有功能性缺陷) REACTIVE ARTHROPATHY UNSPECIFIED童年脱抑制性依恋障碍 Reactive attachment disorder of childhood急性溶血性贫血 Reactive perforating collagenosis后天性失语伴有癫痫[兰道-克勒失纳综合征] Receptive language disorder语际翻译 版权所有
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