产程和分娩度并发在胎儿心率异常并在羊水中伴有胎粪 Lab/deliv comp fetal heart rate anom meconium in amniot fl人类免疫缺陷病毒[HIV]的实验室证据 Laboratory evidence of human immunodefiency virus [HIV]实验室检查 Laboratory examination分娩伴脐带绕颈 Labour and deliv comp cord around neck with compression产程和分娩并发在胎儿应激反应的生物化学证据 Labour and delivery comp by biochem evidence fet stress产程和分娩并发胎儿应激反应的其他证据 Labour and delivery comp by other evidence of fetal stress产程和分娩并发胎儿在羊水中伴有胎粪 Labour and delivery complic by meconium in amniotic fluid产程和分娩并脐带并发症,未特指 Labour and delivery complicated by cord complication unspec产程和分娩并发胎儿心率异常 Labour and delivery complicated by fetal heart rate anomaly未特指的产程和分娩并发胎儿应激反应 Labour and delivery complicated by fetal stress unspecified产程和分娩并其他脐带并发症 Labour and delivery complicated by other cord complications分娩伴脐带缠绕 Labour and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement分娩伴脐带脱垂 Labour and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord分娩伴脐带过短 Labour and delivery complicated by short cord产程和分娩并发前置血管 Labour and delivery complicated by vasa praevia分娩伴血管损害 Labour and delivery complicated by vascular lesion of cord门静脉毒血症 Labyrinthine dysfunction肝脓肿 Labyrinthine fistula其他和未特指的肝硬变 Labyrinthitis缺乏充足的食物的问题 Lack of adequate food未达到预期的正常生理发育水平 NOS Lack of expected normal physiologic development unspec缺乏身体锻炼的问题 Lack of physical exercise缺乏休息和空暇时间的问题 Lack of relaxation and leisure性厌恶 Lack or loss of sexual desire乳糖耐受不良,未特指 Lactose intolerance unspecified语际翻译 版权所有
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