- 医学病症与手术术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 面不对称 Facial asymmetry
- 面神经的其他疾患 Facial myokymia
- 遗传性铁粒幼红细胞性贫血 Factitial dermatitis
- 大便失禁 Faecal incontinence
- 真空吸引或产钳应用失败引起的梗阻性分娩 NOS Failed application of vacuum extractor and forceps
- 考试不及格的问题 Failed examinations
- 引产失败 NOS Failed induction of labour unspecified
- 器械性人工流产失败 Failed instrumental induction of labour
- 医疗性流产失败,并发延迟或过度出血 Failed medical abortion comp by delayed/excessive haem'ge
- 医疗性流产失败,并发生殖道和盆腔感染 Failed medical abortion complic by genital tract/pelvic infn
- 医疗性流产失败,并发栓塞 Failed medical abortion complicated by embolism
- 医疗性流产失败,伴有其他和未特指的并发症 Failed medical abortion with other/unspecified complications
- 医疗性流产失败,无并发症 Failed medical abortion without complication
- 医疗性引产失败 Failed medical induction of labour
- 插管失败或困难 Failed or difficult intubation
- 产程式和分娩间插管失败或困难 Failed or difficult intubation during labour and delivery
- 妊娠期间插管失败 Failed or difficult intubation during pregnancy
- 产褥期中插管失败或困难 Failed or difficult intubation during the puerperium
- 试产失败行剖腹产 Failed trial of labour unspecified
- 其他器官和组织移植失败和排斥 Failure and reject of other transplanted organs and tissues
- 移植器官和组织的失败和排斥 NOS Failure and reject of unspec transplanted organ and tissue
- 其他手术中医疗中使用剂量不当 Failure in dosage during other surgical and medical care
- 手术和医疗中使用剂量不当 NOS Failure in dosage during unspecified surgical and med care
- 胰岛素(电)休克治疗中剂量不当 Failure in dosage in electroshock or insulin-shock therapy
- 外科手术中缝合和结扎不当 Failure in suture or ligature during surgical operation
当前第1页 共22页