耳结核病 Tuberculosis of ear眼结核病 Tuberculosis of eye泌尿生殖系统结核病 Tuberculosis of genitourinary system肠、腹膜和肠系膜淋巴结结核病 Tuberculosis of intestines peritoneum and mesenteric glands喉、器官和支气管结核病,经细菌学和组织学所证实 Tuberculosis of larynx trachea & bronchus conf bact/hist'y肺结核病,细菌学和组织学检查为阴性 Tuberculosis of lung bacteriologically & histolog'y neg肺结核病,仅经痰培养所证实 Tuberculosis of lung confirmed by culture only肺结核病,经未特指的方法所证实 Tuberculosis of lung confirmed by unspecified means肺结核病,经组织学所证实 Tuberculosis of lung confirmed histologically未特指的神经系统结核病 Tuberculosis of nervous system unspecified其他特指器官的结核病 Tuberculosis of other specified organs皮肤和皮下组织的结核病 Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue脊柱结核 Tuberculosis of spine坏疽性紫癜 Tuberculous arthritis结核性膀胱炎 Tuberculous cystitis宫颈结核感染 Tuberculous infection of cervix uteri结核性脑膜炎 Tuberculous meningitis布伦纳氏瘤 (M90000/0) Tuberculous oesophagitis结核性周围淋巴结病 Tuberculous peripheral lymphadenopathy神经节母细胞瘤 Tuberculous peritonitis结核性胸膜炎,经细菌学和组织学所证实 Tuberculous pleurisy conf bacteriologically/his'y结节性硬化症 Tuberous sclerosis输卵管或输精管绝育术后成形术 Tuboplasty or vasoplasty after previous sterilization肾小管-间质肾炎,未特指急性或慢性 Tubulo-interstitial nephritis not spec as acute or chronic未特指的土拉菌病 Tularaemia unspecified语际翻译 版权所有
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