交通事故中公共汽车与固定或静止物体碰撞造成公共汽车乘客的损伤 Passenger injured in traffic accident交通事故中非碰撞性运输事故造成公共汽车乘客的损伤 Passenger injured in traffic accident交通事故中非碰撞性运输事故造成小汽车乘客的损伤 PASSENGER INJURED IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENT.非交通事故中全地带或其他越野机动车上的乘客的损伤 Passenger of all-terr or other off-road m/v inj
nontraf acc交通事故中全地带或其他越野机动车上的乘客的损伤 Passenger of all-terr/oth off-road mot veh inj in
traff acc非交通事故中专用农业车辆上的乘客的损伤 Passenger of special agricult veh inj in nontraffic
accident交通事故中专用农业车辆上的乘客的损伤 Passenger of special agricult veh inj'd in traffic
accident交通事故中专用建筑车辆上的乘客的损伤 Passenger of special construct veh inj in traffic
accident非交通事故中专用建筑车辆上的乘客的损伤 Passenger of special construction veh inj in nontraffic
acc非交通事故中专用工业车辆上的乘客的损伤 Passenger of special industrial veh inj in nontraff
accident交通事故中专用工业车辆上的乘客的损伤 Passenger of special industrial veh inj in traffic
accident客轮(渡轮)(邮轮)事故引起的淹溺和沉没 Passenger ship客轮(渡轮)(邮轮)运输的非船舶事故的淹溺和沉没 Passenger ship客船(渡轮)(邮轮)非船舶事故的船上事故,未引起淹溺和沉没 Passenger ship客轮(渡轮)(邮轮)的其他水上运输事故 Passenger ship巴斯德菌病 Pasteurellosis帕套氏综合征 NOS Patau's syndrome unspecified髌骨肌腱炎 Patellar tendinitis髌股疾患 Patellofemoral disorders动脉导管未闭 Patent ductus arteriosus膝关节病理性脱位和不全脱位 Pathological dislocation and subluxation of joint NEC偷窃狂[病理性偷窃] Pathological fire-setting [pyromania]病理性骨折 NEC Pathological fracture not elsewhere classified病理性骨折 NEC PATHOLOGICAL FRACTURE NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED病理性骨折 NEC PATHOLOGICAL FRACTURE NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED 语际翻译 版权所有
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