病理性骨折 NEC PATHOLOGICAL FRACTURE NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED病理性骨折 NEC PATHOLOGICAL FRACTURE NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED病理性骨折 NEC PATHOLOGICAL FRACTURE NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED病理性纵火[纵火狂] Pathological gambling腋结缔组织良性肿瘤 Pathological resorption of teeth拔毛狂 Pathological stealing [kleptomania]腹膜炎,未特指 Patulous Eustachian tube少关节性幼年型关节炎 PAUCIARICULAR JUVENILE ARTHRITIS少关节性幼年型关节炎 Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis先天性鸡胸 Pectus carinatum先天性漏斗胸 Pectus excavatum非交通事故中脚踏车与其他和未特指的机动车辆碰撞造成未特指的骑脚车人员的损伤 Ped cycl (unsp) inj in coll oth/unsp motor veh nontraf acc交通事故中脚踏车与其他和未特指机动车辆碰撞造未特指的骑脚踏车人员的损伤 Ped cycl (unsp) inj in coll other/unsp motor veh traffic acc行人在未特指的交通事故中的损伤 Ped inj in traff acc involving oth and unspec motor vehicles行人在涉及其他和未特指机动车辆的非交通事故中的损伤 Ped injured in nontraf acc involving oth unspec motor veh[任何]骑脚踏车人员在非交通事故中的损伤 NOS Pedal cyclist [any] inj'd in unspec nontraffic accident[任何]骑脚踏车人员在其他特指的运输事故中的损伤 Pedal cyclist [any] injured in oth specified transport accs[任何]骑脚踏车人员在未特指的交通事故的损伤 NOS Pedal cyclist [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident行人在涉及其他和未特指机动车辆的交通事故中的损伤 PEDESTRIAN INJURED IN UNSPECIFIC NONTRAFFIC ACCIDENT行人在未特指的非交通事故中的损伤 Pedestrian injured in unspecified nontraffic accident行人在未特指的运输事故中的损伤 Pedestrian injured in unspecified traffic accident行人在未特指的运输事故中的损伤 Pedestrian injured in unspecified transport accident头虱病 Pediculosis due to Pediculus humanus capitis体虱病 Pediculosis due to Pediculus humanus corporis虱病 NOS Pediculosis unspecified语际翻译 版权所有
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