为寻求解释调查结果的人 Person consulting for explanation of investigation findings
对未在场的第三者的指导和处理 Person consulting on behalf of another person在未特指情况下与保健机构接触的人 Person encountering health services in unspec
circumstances在上下全地带或其他越野机动车时的人员的损伤 Person inj boarding/alight from all-terr/other
off-road m/v小汽车和重型运输车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj coll between car & heavy t'port veh
(nontraffic)小汽车和轻型货车或篷车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性) Person inj coll between car and pick-up
truck/van (traffic)重型运输车和公共汽车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj coll between heavy t'port veh & bus
(nontraffic)其他机动车辆和两轮或三轮机动车之间碰撞造成的人员的损伤,非交通性 Person inj coll between oth m/v & 2-3
wheel m/v (nontraffic)其他机动车辆和两轮或三轮机动车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性) Person inj coll between oth mot veh & 2-3
whl m/v (traffic)其他特指机动车辆之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj coll between oth specif mot veh
(nontraffic)火车或铁路车辆和小汽车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj coll between rail train/rail veh &
car (nontraff)小汽车和重型运输车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性) Person inj in coll between car & heavy t'port veh
(traffic)小汽车和轻型货车或篷车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj in coll between car & pick-up
truck/van (nontraf)重型运输车和公共汽车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性) Person inj in coll between heavy t'port veh &
bus (traffic)其他特指机动车辆之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性) Person inj in coll between oth specif motor veh
(traffic)火车或铁路车辆和小汽车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性) Person inj in coll between rail train/rail veh
& car (traff)其他特指的涉及机动车辆非碰撞性运输事故中的人员损伤(交通性) Person inj in oth specif noncoll transp acc
inv m/v (traff)其他特指的涉及机动车辆非碰撞性运输事故中的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj oth spec noncoll t'port acc inv
m/v (nontraffic)在上下专用建筑车辆时的人员损伤 Person inj while board'g/alight'g from special construct
veh上下火车或铁路车辆时的人员损伤 Person inj while boarding/alighting from rail train/rail
veh在上下专用工业车辆时的人员损伤 Person inj while boarding/alighting from special indust veh
在上下专用农业车辆时的人员损伤 Person inj while boarding/aligt'g from special agricult veh
小汽车和两轮或三轮机动车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤,非交通性 Person inj'd in coll'n between car & 2-3 wheel
m/v (nontraf)小汽车和两轮或三轮机动车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性) Person inj'd in coll'n between car & 2-3 wheel
m/v (traffic)小汽车和公共汽车之间碰撞造成的人员损伤(交通性) Person injured in collision between car and bus
(traffic) 语际翻译 版权所有
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