身体体表40~49%的腐蚀伤 Corrosions involving 40-49% of body surface身体体表50~59%的腐蚀伤 Corrosions involving 50-59% of body surface身体体表60~69%的腐蚀伤 Corrosions involving 60-69% of body surface身体体表70~79%的腐蚀伤 Corrosions involving 70-79% of body surface身体体表80~89%的腐蚀伤 Corrosions involving 80-89% of body surface身体体表90%或更多的腐蚀伤 Corrosions involving 90% or more of body surface身体体表<10%的腐蚀伤 Corrosions involving less than 10% of body surface多个部位腐蚀伤 NOS Corrosions of multiple regions unspecified degree咳嗽 Cough综合涉及与性态度、性行为和性取向有关的咨询 Counsel rel to comb concerns reg sex attit/behav/orientation对第三方性行为和性取性的指导 Counselling rel to sex behav and orientation of third party对病人性行为和性取向相关问题的指导 Counselling related to patient's sex behav and orientation与性态度有关的咨询 Counselling related to sexual attitude咨询服务 NOS Counselling unspecified牛乳性新生儿低钙血症 Cow's milk hypocalcaemia in newborn扁平髋 Coxa plana发育异常引起的双侧髋关节病 Coxarthrosis resulting from dysplasia bilateral髋关节病 NOS Coxarthrosis unspecified钙质沉着-雷诺现象-食管机能不良-指趾硬皮症-毛细血管扩张综合征[CREST] CR(E)ST syndrome产褥期乳头皲裂 Cracked nipple associated with childbirth痉挛 Cramp and spasm带状疱疹后神经痛 Cranial nerve disorder unspecified克鲁宗病 Craniofacial dysostosis颅脊柱裂 Craniorachischisis颅狭窄症(颅骨缝过早闭合) Craniosynostosis语际翻译 版权所有
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