眼和附器其他部位腐蚀伤 Corrosion of other parts of eye and adnexa呼吸道其他部位腐蚀伤 Corrosion of other parts of respiratory tract呼吸道腐蚀伤 NOS Corrosion of respiratory tract part unspecifiedⅡ度腐蚀伤 NOS Corrosion of second degree body region unspecified踝和足Ⅱ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of second degree of ankle and foot头和颈Ⅱ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of second degree of head and neck躯干Ⅱ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of second degree of trunk腕和手Ⅱ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of second degree of wrist and handⅢ度腐蚀伤 NOS Corrosion of third degree body region unspecified踝和足Ⅲ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of third degree of ankle and foot头和颈Ⅲ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of third degree of head and neck躯干Ⅲ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of third degree of trunk腕和手Ⅲ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of third degree of wrist and hand腐蚀伤 NOS Corrosion of unspecified body region unspecified degree踝和足腐蚀伤 NOS Corrosion of unspecified degree of ankle and foot头和颈腐蚀伤 NOS Corrosion of unspecified degree of head and neck躯干腐蚀伤 NOS Corrosion of unspecified degree of trunk腕和手腐蚀伤 NOS Corrosion of unspecified degree of wrist and hand髋和下肢Ⅱ度腐蚀伤,除外踝和足 Corrosion second degree hip & lwr limb exc ankle & foot髋和下肢Ⅲ度腐蚀伤,除外踝和足 Corrosion third degree hip & lwr limb exc ankle & foot髋和下肢腐蚀伤 NOS,除外踝和足 Corrosion unspec degree hip & lwr limb exc ankle & foot眼球化学品烧伤致眼球破坏 Corrosion with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball身体体表10~19%的腐蚀伤 Corrosions involving 10-19% of body surface身体体表20~29%的腐蚀伤 Corrosions involving 20-29% of body surface身体体表30~39%的腐蚀伤 Corrosions involving 30-39% of body surface语际翻译 版权所有
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