其他治疗后恢复期 Convalescence following other treatment心理治疗后恢复期 Convalescence following psychotherapy ;放射治疗后恢复期 Convalescence following radiotherapy ;手术后恢复期 Convalescence following surgery ;骨折治疗后恢复期 Convalescence following treatment of fracture ;治疗后恢复期 NOS Convalescence following unspecified treatment大肠克罗恩[克隆]病 Convergence insufficiency and excess坏疽性膈疝 Convergent concomitant strabismus在民事和刑事诉讼程序中定罪的问题,未被监禁 Convict in civil and criminal proceeds without imprisonment新生儿抽搐 Convulsions of newborn铜缺乏 Copper deficiency三房心 Cor triatriatum脊髓的其他特指疾病 Cord compression unspecified供角膜者 Cornea donor ;涎腺肥大 Corneal degeneration口腔发育性(非牙源性)囊肿 Corneal neovascularization颌的牙槽炎 Corneal pigmentations and deposits颌的炎性情况 Corneal scar and opacity unspecified角膜移植术后 Corneal transplant status牙根滞留 Corneal ulcer阵发性夜间血红蛋白尿伴再生障碍性贫血(PNH-AA) Corns and callosities其他特指皮肤棘层松解性疾患 Coronary artery aneurysm增殖性天疱疮(诺伊曼氏病) Coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction血管扩张剂引起的有害效应 NEC Coronary vasodilators not elsewhere classified冠状病毒作为分类于其他章疾病的原因 Coronavirus as cause of dis classified to other chapters语际翻译 版权所有
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