人日冕病毒感染[冠状病毒] Coronavirus infection unspecified卵巢黄体囊肿 Corpus luteum cyst肩和上肢Ⅰ度腐蚀伤,除腕和手 Corros first deg shoulder and up limb except wrist and hand多个部位Ⅲ度腐蚀伤 Corros multi reg at least one corros of third deg mentioned多个部位Ⅰ度腐蚀伤 Corros multiple reg no more than first-deg corros mentioned多个部位Ⅱ度腐蚀伤 Corros multiple reg no more than second-deg corros mentioned肩和上肢Ⅱ度腐蚀伤,除腕和手 Corros sec deg shoulder and upr limb exc wrist/hand肩和上肢Ⅲ度腐蚀伤,除腕和手 Corros third deg shoulder and upr limb exc wrist/hand肩和上肢腐蚀伤 NOS,除外腕和手 Corros unspec deg shoulder and up limb excpt wrist and hand髋和下肢Ⅰ度腐蚀伤,除外踝和足 Corrosion first degree hip & lwr limb exc ankle & foot喉和气管及肺的腐蚀伤 Corrosion involving larynx and trachea with lung角膜和结膜腐蚀伤 Corrosion of cornea and conjunctival sac眼和附器腐蚀伤 部位未指定 Corrosion of eye and adnexa part unspecified睑和眼周区腐蚀伤 Corrosion of eyelid and periocular areaⅠ度腐蚀伤 NOS Corrosion of first degree body region unspecified踝和足Ⅰ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of first degree of ankle and foot头和颈Ⅰ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of first degree of head and neck躯干Ⅰ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of first degree of trunk腕和手Ⅰ度腐蚀伤 Corrosion of first degree of wrist and hand泌尿生殖器官内部腐蚀伤 Corrosion of internal genitourinary organs化学性喉和气管烧伤 Corrosion of larynx and trachea化学性口和咽腐蚀伤 Corrosion of mouth and pharynx食管化学性(腐蚀)烧伤 Corrosion of oesophagus其他和未特指内部器官的腐蚀伤 Corrosion of other and unspecified internal organs消化道其他部位腐蚀伤 Corrosion of other parts of alimentary tract语际翻译 版权所有
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