- 中国日报热门词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 储运 storage and transport
- 存储能力 storage capacity
- 理顺经济秩序 straighten out the economic order
- 海峡两岸交流基金会(海基会) Strait Exchange Foundation of (Taiwan, China)(SEF)
- 《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio
- 经济结构战略性调整 strategic restructuring of the economy
- 科教兴国战略 strategy of invigorating the country through science, technology and education
- 可持续发展战略 strategy of sustainable development
- 开放带动战略 strategy spearheaded by opening-up
- 简政放权 streamline administration and delegate power; streamline administration and institute decentralization
- 精简机构 streamline government organs
- 加强军队和政权建设 strengthen army building and the organs of political power
- 加强伙伴关系 strengthen partnerships
- 科技强军、依法治军 strengthen the army by relying on science and technology, and run the armed forces by law
- 加强流动人口计划生育管理 strengthen the management of family planning among the floating population
- 加强农业基础地位 strengthen the position of agriculture as the foundation of the economy
- 讲求实效 stress practical results; strive for practical results
- 好球 Strike
- 冲帐 strike a balance; counter-balance accounts; reverse an entry
- 打击非法投机活动 strike out at speculation; crack down on speculation
- 剥离不良资产 strip bad assets off
- 剥夺冠军 strip the gold medal of somebody
- 奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life
- 力争上游 strive for the best; aim high
- 技术攻关 strive to make technological breakthrough