温经除湿 warm the channels and eliminate dampness温经通络 warm the channels and free the networks vessels温经通脉 warm the channels and free the vessels温经活血 warm the channels and quicken the blood温经止血 warm the channels and staunch bleeding温里 warm the interior温里祛寒 warm the interior and dispel cold温里泻下 warm the interior and precipitate暖肾 warm the kidney温肾 warm the kidney温肾助阳 warm the kidney and assist yang2温肾平喘 warm the kidney and calm panting温肾利水 warm the kidney and disinhibit water温肾祛寒 warm the kidney and dispel cold温肾散寒 warm the kidney and dissipate cold温肾健脾 warm the kidney and fortify the spleen温肾固摄 warm the kidney and promote securing and continence温肾缩小便 warm the kidney and reduce urine温肝暖脾 warm the kidney and spleen暖肾治疝 warm the kidney and treat mounting温肾纳气 warm the kidney to promote qi4 absorption暖肝 warm the liver暖肝散寒 warm the liver and dissipate cold温肝补肾 warm the liver and supplement the kidney温肺 warm the lung语际翻译 版权所有
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