- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 温助肾阳 warm and assist kidney yang2
- 温助心肺 warm and assist the heart and lung
- 温散 warm and dissipate
- 温散寒湿 warm and dissipate cold-damp
- 温散肝肾冷气 warm and dissipate liver-kidney cold qi4
- 温散水气 warm and dissipate water qi4
- 温燥之性 warm and dry nature
- 温通小肠 warm and free the small intestine
- 温通阳气 warm and free yang2 qi4
- 温热药 warm and hot medicinals
- 温行胃中寒气 warm and move cold qi4 in the stomach
- 温运脾阳 warm and move spleen yang2
- 温养 warm and nourish
- 温补心阳 warm and supplement heart yang2
- 温补肾阳 warm and supplement kidney yang2
- 温补肺阳 warm and supplement lung yang2
- 温补气血 warm and supplement qi4 and the blood
- 温补脾阳 warm and supplement spleen yang2
- 温补血分 warm and supplement the blood aspect
- 温补心肺 warm and supplement the heart and lung
- 温补肾元 warm and supplement the kidney origin
- 温补命门 warm and supplement the life gate
- 温补肝肾 warm and supplement the liver and kidney
- 温补下元 warm and supplement the lower origin
- 温补脾胃 warm and supplement the spleen and stomach