水麻叶 (2) oreocnide辣蓼 (3) Oriental smartweed窍阴 (头) Orifice Yin1 (head)临泣 (头) Overlooking Tears (head)飞天 +蟧spiny tree fern [stem]橡 oak橡木皮 oak bark橡实壳 oak cupule舟楫 oar楫 oar桡 oar视网膜中央静脉阻塞 ob struction of the central retinal vein肥人多痰 obese people tend to have copious phlegm肥 obese\HALT \ADJ, obesity \NOUN形体肥胖 obesity形体肥胖 obesity肥胖 obesity肥胖不孕 obesity infertility斜刺 oblique insertion斜片 oblique slice斜飞脉 oblique-running pulse斜 oblique\HALT \ADJ闭塞性脉管炎 obliterating phlebitis不知饥饱 obliviousness of hunger and satiety七叶一把伞 obovate actinodaphne [bark]语际翻译 版权所有
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