- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 水麻叶 (2) oreocnide
- 辣蓼 (3) Oriental smartweed
- 窍阴 (头) Orifice Yin1 (head)
- 临泣 (头) Overlooking Tears (head)
- 飞天 +蟧spiny tree fern [stem]
- 橡 oak
- 橡木皮 oak bark
- 橡实壳 oak cupule
- 舟楫 oar
- 楫 oar
- 桡 oar
- 视网膜中央静脉阻塞 ob struction of the central retinal vein
- 肥人多痰 obese people tend to have copious phlegm
- 肥 obese\HALT \ADJ, obesity \NOUN
- 形体肥胖 obesity
- 形体肥胖 obesity
- 肥胖 obesity
- 肥胖不孕 obesity infertility
- 斜刺 oblique insertion
- 斜片 oblique slice
- 斜飞脉 oblique-running pulse
- 斜 oblique\HALT \ADJ
- 闭塞性脉管炎 obliterating phlebitis
- 不知饥饱 obliviousness of hunger and satiety
- 七叶一把伞 obovate actinodaphne [bark]
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