枣子 (2) Indian jujube睛振内障* ? internal obstruction余 I黄疸型传染性肝炎 i cteric infectious hepatitis息吹艾 ibuki moxa冰 ice凌 ice冰瑕障 ice and jade obstruction银鱼 icefish冰 ice\HALT \NOUN; icy \ADJ寻常性鱼鳞病 ichthyosis vulgaris四肢冰冷 icy cold limbs肢体冰冷 icy cold limbs手足冰冷 icy-cold extremities四肢厥逆冰冷 icy-cold limbs due to reverse-flow中药鉴别学 identification of Chinese medicinals中药炮制学 identification of Chinese medicinals验齿辨病 identification of disease through examination of the teeth辨病施治 identify diseases and administer treatment辨证 identify patterns (or signs)辨证施治 identify patterns and administer treatment辨证求因 identify patterns and seek disease causes辨 identify\HALT \VERB, identification \NOUN原发性血小板减少性紫癜 idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura偶 idol语际翻译 版权所有
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