土当归 (1) udo [root]灵芝 (2) umbilicaria库伦 + Ulanbator astragalus [root]上中下通用痛风方 U pper, Middle, and Lower Body General-Use Wind Pain Formula土当归叶 udo leaf溃疡 ulcer溃疡穴 Ulcer Point溃疡散 Ulcer Powder牙龈溃烂 ulcerated gums溃疡 ulcerating sore痈疮溃烂 ulcerating welling-abscess and sores溃烂 ulceration眼弦赤烂 ulceration of the eyelid rim足趾溃烂 ulceration of the feet口颊溃烂 ulceration of the inside of the cheek口舌糜烂 ulceration of the mouth阴茎溃烂 ulceration of the penis缺盆溃烂 ulceration of the supraclavicular fossa溃疡性结肠炎 ulcerative colitis溃疡病 ulcers正骨 ulna尺骨 ulna尺桡 Ulna and Radius尺动脉 ulnar artery尺侧腕伸肌 ulnar extensor muscle of the wrist语际翻译 版权所有
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