山槟榔 ????\Q{common Java tea is stamineus??}山槟榔 ??\Q{common Java tea is stamineus?}归神丸丹 ??\Q{wuyan??} Chinese Angelica and Ginseng Pill岐伯 Qi2 Bo2>祈菊 Qi2 chrysanthemum [flower]齐德之 Qi2 De2-Zhi1>气舍 Qi4 Abode气舍 Qi4 Abode纳气 qi4 absorption肾不纳气 qi4 absorption failure气积 qi4 accumulation气血 qi4 and blood气血两燔 qi4 and blood both ablaze气血虚弱 qi4 and blood vacuity气力 qi4 and bodily strength气营两燔 qi4 and construction both ablaze气味 qi4 and flavor气阴两虚 qi4 and yin1 vacuity上气 qi4 ascent气分 qi4 aspect气关 qi4 bar气结腹痛 qi4 bind abdominal pain脐下结气 qi4 bind below the umbilicus气结咽喉 qi4 binding in the throat气闭 qi4 block语际翻译 版权所有
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