- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 气郁胁痛 qi4 depression rib-side pain
- 气郁胁痛 qi4 depression rib-side pain
- 气郁脘痛 qi4 depression stomach duct pain
- 气郁脘痛 qi4 depression stomach duct pain
- 气随液脱 qi4 deserting with humor
- 气随血脱 qi4 deserting with the blood
- 气脱 qi4 desertion
- 气脱证 qi4 desertion pattern
- 气泻 qi4 diarrhea
- 气病 qi4 disease
- 气病及血 qi4 disease affecting the blood
- 气病证候 qi4 disease pattern
- 气胀 qi4 distention
- 胸腹气胀 qi4 distention in the chest and abdomen
- 胸膈气胀 qi4 distention in the chest and diaphragm
- 气户 Qi4 Door
- 气鼓 qi4 drum
- 气臌 qi4 drum distention
- 气机 qi4 dynamic
- 气痢 qi4 dysentery
- 气由脏发 qi4 effuses from the viscera
- 气不摄血 qi4 failing to contain the blood
- 气不化津 qi4 failing to form/transform liquid
- 气不化水 qi4 failing to transform water
- 气陷 qi4 fall