温热 warm heat温热蕴脾 warm heat brewing in the spleen温热病 warm heat disease炖温 warm in double boiler温暖肾阳 warm kidney yang2温疟 warm malaria温性 warm nature温针 warm needling温开 warm opening温开法 warm opening method温下 warm precipitation温血 warm the blood温中 warm the center温中祛寒 warm the center and dispel cold温中散寒 warm the center and dissipate cold温中降逆 warm the center and downbear counterflow温中燥湿 warm the center and dry dampness温中逐寒 warm the center and expel cold温中健脾 warm the center and fortify the spleen温中走里 warm the center and penetrate the interior温中调胃 warm the center and regulate the stomach温中补虚 warm the center and supplement vacuity温经 warm the channels温经祛寒 warm the channels and dispel cold温经散寒 warm the channels and dissipate cold语际翻译 版权所有
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