温肺散寒 warm the lung and dissipate cold温肺逐痰 warm the lung and expel phlegm温肺逐饮 warm the lung and expel rheum温肺化痰 warm the lung and transform phlegm温肺化饮 warm the lung and transform rheum温经 warm the menses温脾 warm the spleen温脾止泄 warm the spleen and check diarrhea温脾燥湿 warm the spleen and dry dampness温脾肾 warm the spleen and kidney温脾胃 warm the spleen and stomach暖胃 warm the stomach暖胃 warm the stomach温胃 warm the stomach温胃止呕 warm the stomach and check vomiting温胃散寒 warm the stomach and dissipate cold温胃建中 warm the stomach and fortify the center温胃行气 warm the stomach and move qi4温胃固肠 warm the stomach and secure the intestines暖脾胃 warm the stomach and spleen暖子宫 warm the uterus温暖子宫 warm the uterus暖宫散寒 warm the uterus and dissipate cold温脏安蛔 warm the viscera and quiet roundworm暖水脏 warm the water viscus语际翻译 版权所有
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