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台湾中医术语词汇    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


温水脏    warm the water viscus
温毒    warm toxin
温毒发斑    warm toxin macular eruption
温水    warm water
温灸    warm with a moxa pole
温阳    warm yang2
温阳利湿    warm yang2 and disinhibit dampness
温阳利水    warm yang2 and disinhibit water
温阳祛寒    warm yang2 and dispel cold
温阳散结    warm yang2 and dissipate binds
温阳散寒    warm yang2 and dissipate cold
温阳通便    warm yang2 and free the stool
温阳行气    warm yang2 and move qi4
温阳化气    warm yang2 and promote qi4 transformation
温阳化饮    warm yang2 and transform rheum
温阳化水    warm yang2 and transform water
温通发散    warm, free, effuse, and dissipate
温热入血    warm-heat entering the blood
温热在肠    warm-heat in the intestines
温热毒邪    warm-heat toxic evil
温法    warming
温通汤    Warming and Freeing Decoction
辛香暖胃    warming the stomach with acridity and aroma
温化祛瘀    warming transformation of static blood
温能补能和    warmth can supplement and harmonize
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