温水脏 warm the water viscus温毒 warm toxin温毒发斑 warm toxin macular eruption温水 warm water温灸 warm with a moxa pole温阳 warm yang2温阳利湿 warm yang2 and disinhibit dampness温阳利水 warm yang2 and disinhibit water温阳祛寒 warm yang2 and dispel cold温阳散结 warm yang2 and dissipate binds温阳散寒 warm yang2 and dissipate cold温阳通便 warm yang2 and free the stool温阳行气 warm yang2 and move qi4温阳化气 warm yang2 and promote qi4 transformation温阳化饮 warm yang2 and transform rheum温阳化水 warm yang2 and transform water温通发散 warm, free, effuse, and dissipate温热入血 warm-heat entering the blood温热在肠 warm-heat in the intestines温热毒邪 warm-heat toxic evil温法 warming温通汤 Warming and Freeing Decoction辛香暖胃 warming the stomach with acridity and aroma温化祛瘀 warming transformation of static blood温能补能和 warmth can supplement and harmonize语际翻译 版权所有
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