- 古典文献学英汉词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 补遗 " supplement
- 专题讨论会 " symposium
- 专题讨论会 " symposium
- "——an ancient style of calligraphy current in the Han Dynasty(206B.C-A.D220) simplified from Xiao zhuan 隶书"
- 宗教经典 Sacred scripture
- 祭祀 sacrificing (to spiritual beings)
- 骑马钉装订 saddle sewing,sad6le 9titching,center stitching
- 梵文,梵语 sanskrit
- 散页 scattered sheets
- 散书页 scattered sheets of books
- 学术性出版物 scholarly publication
- 学术成就 scholastic attainments
- 学区图书馆 school district library
- 学生版 school edition
- 学派 school of thought,school
- 学派 school of thought,school
- 文学流派 schools of literature
- 文学流派 schools of literature
- 科技文献 scientific and technical literature
- 科技文献 scientific and technical literature
- 手写体 script,handwritten form
- 手写体 script,handwritten form
- 书卷(写成卷轴的古书) scroll
- 书卷(写成卷轴的古书) scroll
- 篆刻 seal cutting